Cross-domain iframe requests from CRM Online are blocked in SharePoint Online
Issue: In CRM Online, when you are trying to access the SharePoint documentation under an Entity such as Open Opportunity, Lead or Active Account and click on Documents from the left Navigation Pane, you are getting the following error message:
"This content cannot be displayed in a frame.
To help protect the security of information you enter into this website, the publisher of this content does not allow it to be displayed in a frame.
What you can try: Open this content in a new window”
Open this content in a new window
Also, you may also experience the same behaviour at the Outlook level.
Cause: Cross-domain iframe requests are blocked in SharePoint Online (
This issue occurs when one or more of the following conditions are true:
- You're displaying SharePoint Online pages on an external site through an iframe.
- You're displaying SharePoint Online pages on a SharePoint Online site that uses a different domain through an iframe.
- You've received the latest SharePoint Online service update.
1) As a temporary workaround please add “” to the Trusted Sites list in Internet Explorer. Also check that the list of sites below is already in the Trusted Sites list, otherwise add those sites to the Trusted Sites list as well:
· https://<sitename>
· https://<sitename>"
· https://<sitename>
Where <sitename> is the name of the user’s SharePoint online site. Making this configuration changes will prevent this error from occurring for that user.
To add a website to Internet Explorer’s trusted sites list, please follow these steps:
· Open Internet Explorer (the desktop version if you are using Windows 8)
· Press Alt + T on your keyboard to show the Tools menu
· Click Internet Options
· Click the Security tab
· Select the Trusted sites zone
· Click the Sites button
· Type or other site URL into the Add this website to the zone: field
· Click Add
· Click Close
· Click Apply
· Click OK
· Close Internet Explorer
Also, reinstall the Windows Live Assistant, depending on your CRM Online organization type:
· Account Type:
· Office 365 Account Type:
Then open Internet Explorer and test to see if you receive the same error message when viewing the app.
For more information about iframing SharePoint-hosted pages in applications, go to the following blog post on the Microsoft MSDN website:
IFraming SharePoint-hosted pages in apps
2) Alternatively, you can try one of the described scenarios below:
- The described behaviour can be avoided once you click on the link "Open the content in a new window", as you are redirected to the SharePoint site;
- Manually sign in to the SharePoint site prior to accessing the Documents location and tick the “Keep me signed in” option;
- Access the Documents location by re-clicking on Default Site 1 drop down List on Document Locations, as shown in the image below:
Best Regards
Dynamics CRM Support Team
- Anonymous
January 13, 2014
I'm confused - are you therefore confirming that this is expected behaviour if you try to view the documents tab on a CRM Online form that points to SharePoint online?