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El Torito How-To, redux

Having trouble getting your El Torito runtime working? Admittedly, the instructions on MSDN for building an El Torito runtime can be a little confusing at times, so here’s a condensed run-down of the process.

If you're using SP2, simply pull in the "El Torito CD Support" macro component to your configuration. This includes all the components you'll need to get El Torito up and running. In SP1, there is no component named "El Torito CD Support", so you'll need to add the necessary components manually. These components are:

- El Torito CD
- Enhanced Write Filter (EWF)
- EWF Console Manager
- CMD Command-Line Processor

You can bring in any other components you need for your configuration, including scenario macro components and features. Resolve all dependencies, then go to the Enhanced Write Filter component. Uncheck the option marked "Start EWF Enabled" and ensure that it is configured to be a RAM overlay, Disk Number = 0, and Partition Number = 1.

When you have resolved all dependencies in your runtime configuration, build your image and copy it to your target partition. Before you boot into FBA, however, you need to make a Pre-FBA ISO image of the target partition using HD2ISO, then burn it to CD using an ISO-enabled CD burning program such as Nero or Roxio Easy CD Creator.

In order for FBA to correctly identify your El Torito configuration, an El Torito CD needs to be in the CD drive during FBA. It doesn't matter if the CD contains a bootable image - what's important is that the CD exists and that the size of the ISO image on it matches the size of your target partition. Missing this step is one of the most common causes of El Torito errors.

When you have the Pre-FBA CD, insert it into the CD-ROM drive and make sure your system is configured to boot from the hard drive first, then boot into FBA. Let FBA run, and if all goes well, you should arrive at the desktop. Now open a CMD window and type 'ewfmgr' and 'ewfmgr C:' . You should see a message indicating that C: is configured for a RAM overlay, and the RAM overlay should currently be DISABLED. (If it appears as Enabled, you will need to fix this setting in Target Designer, re-build and re-deploy your image.)

You can perform any extra configuration of your runtime here and reboot as many times as you want. When you're ready to seal the image and create your final El Torito bootable CD, make sure the pre-FBA CD is in the drive, then open CMD and type 'etprep -all' . This will perform the final steps to seal your image. Now boot back to your safebuild - do not go back into the runtime.

Finally, create a new ISO image of your target partition and burn it to CD. This is the final bootable image for your runtime, and if all has gone well, you should be able to boot from this CD. Congratulations!

If you continue to experience problems with this process, please feel free to post your questions to the Microsoft Embedded Newsgroup at microsoft.public.windowsxp.embedded. There are many people there who can assist you with troubleshooting the problem further. Also, check out these resources if you’re having trouble with specific parts of this process:

Troubleshooting Enhanced Write Filter

Troubleshooting Bootable CD-ROM

Troubleshooting FBA

- Matt
