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Dynamics GP Blog Content

I would first like to say Thank You for all who have supported my blog for the past 2 years. When the GP Blog was created the idea was to post important information regarding Dynamics GP to help keep partners and/or customers updated and informed. There are many blogs out there that are technical in nature but felt it was important to have a way of communicating this up to date and critical information. I know most of you receive a ton on e-mail from Microsoft, your Account Managers, etc. and sometimes important information is lost or overlooked in your busy day so by posting on this blog and using a RSS Feed you would have all this information in one place.

In the future I will continue to update the Dynamics GP Blog as I stated above but I am now asking all of you, if there is certain information that you would like to see posted on my blog please send me request so I can continue to post what is most relevant to all of you. All and any request are welcomed.

If you need Technical Information please visit the "Developing for Dynamics Blog" at: blogs.msdn.com/DevelopingForDynamicsGP/

If you want Inside Information direct from our Product Team in Fargo visit "Inside Dynamics GP" at: blogs.msdn.com/gp/

Thank you again for all your support and look forward to seeing request for future content!!!