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Virtualisation Unplugged

I am busy working to virtualise one of the machines I currently run hosting an intranet web site. I reckon it's going to save me 110w (although that doesn't account for any increase in power on my main machine from hosting an additional guest OS. I must say I am very impressed with the responsiveness of the guest operating systems once integrations services are installed.  TIP: If you do happen to be a developer and plan to run Windows Server 2008 Hyper-V as your main desktop OS, my tip would be to "dumb" down to XDDM video drivers instead of WDDM. You should find UI performance/responsiveness is better, especially when switching to the secure desktop.

If you want to learn more about what virtualisation technologies are on Microsoft's menu card these days (and it is turning into a lavish buffet these days) then there are a load of free events coming up soon.


Here is the agenda:Virtualisation Unplugged


08:45 Registration
09:30 Keynote – The Importance of Green IT
10:00 Building your Virtualised Environment with Hyper-V
11:00 Break
11:15 Managing your Virtualised Environment with System Center
12:45 Lunch

13:30 Partner Presentation – “Why Microsoft Virtualisation?”
14:00 Virtualising your Desktops (VDI) and Applications (MDOP)
15:00 Break
15:15 What’s new in Terminal Services 2008?
16:00 Ask the Experts
16:30 Close


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