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David L's Blog


My first comic strip...talent only a mother could love!

I came across this site called stripcreator; where you can create your own comic strips. I love it,...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/31/2005

Redmond.2005: Day #2

Ok, so day two of my Redmond experience started out with a taxi ride to the office. Seattle drivers...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/30/2005

It's not only a Smart Client...it's purdy too!

I’m sitting through an Office 12 demo running on Windows Vista at the moment; and I...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/30/2005

Send Jeff a postcard, and he'll send you a Channel 9 Guy!

Hey, check this out: https://www.jeffsandquist.com/Channel9WasAtTheMoon.aspx Jeff reckons that if you...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/29/2005

Ooooh, Acrylic! It feel so nice ya!?

Here’s something new and interesting (well, relatively to me); you can now download a Beta...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/29/2005

Redmond.2005: Day #1

OK, so Microsoft are hosting a huge tech'stravaganza for all its technical people in Seattle called...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/28/2005

Come git! Visual Studio 2005 Pricing for Oz!

There has been too much confusion around the release of Visual Studio 2005; what with the changes to...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/25/2005

Catching Daz's Project Distributor

Some time ago, I dispensed with the PowerPoint decks, and went for the truly invigorating experience...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/24/2005

Maybe one day I can be Governor!

I've started back at the gym these last few months, what with the date of my wedding drawing closer...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/22/2005

Build some VSTS muscle!

Like most developers, I've grown quite wild over the years from a lack of formal instruction and...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/18/2005

Joey and the Doctor! What is the VSTSEclipse project?

My good friend and Readify Senior Developer, Joe Sango, has just been published in Dr. Dobb's...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/14/2005

Introducing Macktastic Lemphers Shmoove

Check these random name generators out...I love generators :)...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/06/2005

And the winners were...!

The lucky winners from last weeks Victoria.NET BizTalk Development session draw were: Box Set of...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/04/2005

Work experience goes both ways!

Last week I was lucky enough to share 5 days with Nevhan and Dennis as they completed their work...

Author: davidlem Date: 07/04/2005

Frank, I wrote this really cool software...honest!

Since Monday, we've been lucky enough to have two high-school students (they won scholarships worth...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/30/2005

I bet The Boss never ate in the dark!

My lovely fiancé Yil surprised me last night with a dinner reservation at a restaurant in Melbourne...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/30/2005

Low rider drives a little slower!

Due to the popularity of the city based events that we've been running in Melbourne @ lunch times,...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/26/2005

Oh joy! I'm off to Tech'Ed!

Every Friday, I meet with my spiritual adviser, align my Qi, and get the low down on what's in store...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/23/2005

June CTP versus Beta 2...Rick, it's Dave here!

Boy, where there some sore ears in Redmond today! I've been busy with customer stuff these past few...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/23/2005

What would Visual Studio Team System Blogging look like?

Back in the day, when I used to code for a living, I used to crave integrated communication tools...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/15/2005

InfoPath .NET Toolkit for Visual Studio 2005

I was poking around the MSDN subscribers download site today (in between checking out Hotman Paris...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/14/2005

Help get the Finalizer to Tech.Ed '05 Oz!!

This is the Finalizer: And I've been told by the power's that be (Frank Arrigo should anyone require...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/08/2005

ARC up!!

We've released the Architecture Resource Center (ARC) as a central point for information regarding...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/08/2005

Do it to me one more time..!

For all those who missed out on the demonstration of Visual Studio 2005 Beta 2 and Team System that...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/07/2005

And the winner is...CV's Aunty!!?

Firstly, thanks to everyone who made it to the VSTS B2 Demo session @ lunch today in Melbourne; I...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/07/2005

From n00bie to gzus in a few short strokes!

So you've got that really big interview on Monday, and you've only got the weekend to bone up on...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/07/2005

David, this is Big Brother, get the hell off my Wi-Fi!

One of the stops on my little travel junket last week was the University of Ballarat; where I was...

Author: davidlem Date: 06/05/2005

Da na na da na na, AzMan!

My friend Kurt Heiz (who's jokes make sailors blush) gave me a quick demo of the Authorization...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/31/2005

Don't be fooled by the blocks that I got!

I cannot carry the burden of technical fear and ineptitude any longer!!! I have never used the...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/30/2005

The last straw was the ugly throw down that occurred last week between me and MC Grammy E regarding...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/24/2005

Demo of Visual Studio 2005 Team System Beta 2

If you're: A) Based in Melbourne, Australia B) Interested in VSTS 2005 B2 C) Are free on the 8th of...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/22/2005

First it was the van, now it's the bus!

So we're coming up to budget time, and I requested some new wheels from Frank so that I could get...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/19/2005

And the van keeps on rolling!

Perth's App Sig went well, with some great questions and comments. Chris V (BTW, if you want Chris...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/19/2005

Dropping in from outer space!

This week the bus finds itself in Adelaide, home of Hahndorf, The Barossa Valley, and Ben Folds!...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/15/2005

Firewalls do little against hackers who come through the front door!

There is an awesome interview with Kevin Mitnick on Radio GoDaddy at the moment, I really recommend...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/15/2005

Hosted Labs! Now that's what I call service!

I have been wanting to brush up on some Office development stuff, and have been sooo busy getting...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/12/2005

VS2005 Team Build installation problems!

I have been having this problem installing Team Build (Team Foundation Server Install...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/12/2005

Why do you have to go and make things so complicated?

Hmmm, I'm tweaking my example BizTalk solution at the moment, and am stumped as to why the BizTalk...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/12/2005


Need I say more?...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/10/2005

Get the snip!

Ok ok, so I've been quiet for the past few weeks, but I've had good reason. I've not only been...

Author: davidlem Date: 05/09/2005

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