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MVP's Please! VSTS and BTS!

Wow, what an awesome weekend! Two of my favorite techie’s got knighted!

Joe Sango (of the Melbourne VSTS User Group, VSTSEclipse, and Dr. Dobbs fame) got the Visual Developer – VSTS gong!https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=91746415-0c84-4b7c-9807-efc51abc552b

Magic Mick Badran (of the Sydney BizTalk User Group, Breeze Training, and PocketPC Mag fame) got the Windows Server System – BizTalk Server gong!https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=440c87eb-2071-4f70-a10b-b52ce04c8087

Great work guys, you’ll have worked really hard, but I dare say, the best is yet to come! ;)