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Looking for Windows 7 details?

Steve Ssinofsky, haven't heard the name yet?  You will.  Steve is the Senior Vice President, for Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group in charge of the development of Windows 7.  He's been making a lot of changes, changes for the better.

A-list blogger Scobleizer, recently wrote on article on those changes on the Windows team and how it is affecting things.  Check it out here.

Scobleizer on Windows7

Steve also started a blog to talk directly with the community.  300+ comments alone on the first post - the message has been loud and clear.  People are excited about the next release of Windows and have some great suggestions.


But, most importantly the Windows team is listening!  They just posted two new entries that came directly from the most common themes you have been giving in your feedback. 

The first is based around how the Windows team has changed and is now aligned for a great release of Windows 7. 


The second is based on how Microsoft decides what goes into a new release.  What should the scale of a release be?  What stays and what changes?  What should be there at launch and what should come later?

E7-Scale of a Release

Check out the blog today and leave some feedback.


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