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Darryl Burling @ Work

Thoughts and musings of the New Zealand Community DE

MSDN Flash - What is in Windows Server for developers?

The last editorial I wrote about Visual Studio 2008's multi-targeting support, however as the Launch...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/21/2007

Windows Home Server Shipped

This is news I didn't report last week, but Windows Home Server was released to RTM just over a week...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/21/2007

Off to Seattle, then traveling and then Tech Ed.

Many of us at Microsoft are traveling at this time of the year. There are a number of conferences on...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/17/2007

Tech Ed Australia sold out

Well... now both of the events are sold out! Congratulations Australia! If you want to get a Ticket...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/16/2007

Updated Tech Ed sessions and more background...

I've spent today tidying up the Tech Ed speaker and session list - if you are attending Tech Ed you...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/13/2007

Launch date set

At the World Wide Partner Conference Kevin Turner announced the date for the Visual Studio 2008/SQL...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/11/2007

Into WPF & Silverlight? Local community coming your way!

There is lots happening in the community and this is great to see. The latest is that Nas Khan is...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/06/2007

Alex James is now a Microsoft MVP!

Alex has posted good news this morning! Jo and I had a pretty disrupted nights sleep last night,...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 07/02/2007

Sharepoint User Group - Wellington

Chandima has posted the details of the Sharepoint user group that is on in Wellington on Wednesday...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/25/2007

MSDN Flash: What Multi-targeting means to customers

One of the new features of Visual Studio 2008 is the ability to target multiple versions of the .Net...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/24/2007

The sound of inevitability - help us help you

It happens every year... Tech Ed sells out and we have lots of people who miss out on getting...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/20/2007

TechNet Gadget - with New Zealand (and Australian) content

In my email this morning I got a message that Jay "No Blog" Templeton and the team from Mabode have...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/19/2007

Where tablets and laptops don't meet...

Craig recently lamented that when he was at Tech Ed in Orlando he saw lots of people with Tablets...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/18/2007

Scott Hanselman on Visual Studio 2008

I've just finished listening to Scott Hanselman's podcast on Visual Studio 2008. One of the nice...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/17/2007

Things I love about the new Live Writer

I really like live writer. I love online/offline applications that have both a software and an...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/16/2007

Static maps are so last century

I was browsing the Tech Ed NZ site the other day and noticed that the Get2Event page had a static...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/16/2007

Wanted - a Video Player sidebar gadget

I was just considering watching a videocast that I'd downloaded but I've got other things to do and...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/15/2007

TechEd New Zealand - Sold out

No surprises here I guess, but Tech Ed New Zealand is officially sold out! If you haven't got your...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/15/2007

Background Motion - now live!

Over the last few months the guys at Mindscape have been dotting i's and crossing t's in order to...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/14/2007

Free drinks at TechEd for MCP's?

I'm not sure if its because I've given her a lunch time slot to talk about the new certification, or...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/14/2007

Home Server - Code2Fame - competition idea

If you haven't been living under a rock, you'll know that the Windows Home Server team recently...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/14/2007

IIS7 and Windows Server 2008 Core

Did you know that IIS7 will ship out of the box on Windows Server Core? That means you can run a...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/11/2007

Working at Microsoft and meetings

A few weeks ago I came to the realization that at Microsoft we have relatively few meetings. I know...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/07/2007

Switching RSS Feeds - please follow me :-)

If you subscribe directly to my RSS feed either here or at www.burling.co.nz, please redirect your...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/06/2007

Getting the new Live betas in New Zealand

If you are a fan of Live Mail Desktop Beta (now Live Mail Beta) or Live Writer and have noticed that...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/06/2007

Visual Studio Shell and Visual Studio 2008

Today at Tech Ed in the US, we announced that we will be making the Visual Studio Shell available...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/04/2007

Forza Motorsport 2

In case you have an XBox 360 and dont know whats coming with Forza 2... check this out. I like car...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/04/2007

Expression Suite and tools now available in NZ

I've missed the boat on this one (Nigel and Sean beat me to it), but if have been watching the...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 06/01/2007

Tech Ed Australia and New Zealand tracks

I thought it might be useful to list all the track owners for Australia and New Zealand and their...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/29/2007

Security speakers... wow - what a lineup

Rocky is in charge of the security track at Tech Ed ANZ this year, and he's done an awesome job of...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/29/2007

MSDN Flash - Focus on Orcas

Over the last week or so our team has been planning what we will be working on over the next 12...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/27/2007

Did you see the OFONE announcement?

The Ofone was announced at MEDC, and we saw the video for it last week at MEDC in Australia. Having...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/24/2007

Nick Randolph asks - whats happening at Tech Ed 2007?

Nick sidelined me last week at MEDC in Sydney and asked me what was going on at Tech Ed Australia...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/22/2007

If you do nothing else today...

Watch this screencast. Popfly takes the concept of mashups to the masses. Not only can you create...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/19/2007

Tech Ed ANZ Web Track - feedback required

We are steadily filling sessions for Tech Ed ANZ, and I'm in charge of the web track, so here is...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/16/2007

10 Seats left for MEDC-Mini

I'm in Sydney for MEDC, and thought those of you who are not able to be here, might be able to get...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/13/2007

SQL Server "Katmai" Spatial Extensions

If you haven't heard, "Katmai" is the next version of SQL Server due out in the same time frame as...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/11/2007

End of Early Bird

The Early bird tickets for Tech Ed New Zealand sold out about 25 minutes ago, which means: we are...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/10/2007

RSS - Living in the cloud (or software + services at work)

If given a choice between a web app and a windows app, I find that I normally prefer the Windows app...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/10/2007

Trade Me Launches Vista Gadget

Good news from Rowans Blog. The TradeMe gadget is one of several New Zealand gadgets that have been...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/06/2007

Tech Ed - Women in Technology

While I'm up to my neck in Tech Ed at the moment, I thought I'd drop you a couple of little...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/04/2007

Not going to MEDC? A tiny NZ version is coming...

Even if you are not going to MEDC in Sydney, you can still get to hear Mike Hall and Derek Snyder in...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/03/2007

Mix, Silverlight and the DLR

I’m sure you’ve heard the headline items from Mix. I thought I’d put up a couple of links for the...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 05/02/2007

MSDN Flash - WGA, Early Bird and User Groups

There is alot I want to tell you about this week. I want to let you know about some important...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/23/2007

How we came up with Silverlight

Tim Sneath has a great peice on humour on how we came up with the name silverlight. Check it out....

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/19/2007

Windows Home Server CTP

The WHS team have just released a CTP of Windows Home Server. This release is much more complete...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/18/2007

SQL User Group Meeting tomorrow

In case you missed the announcement tomorrow there is a SQL user group meeting in Wellington. The...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/18/2007

Microsoft Silverlight announced

We have a number of things coming around WPF/e in the next few weeks, but here is the first. WPF/e...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/16/2007

MSDN Flash Editorial - Expression Web and Tech Ed NZ teaser

Great news last week for those of you in the web development space, thanks to the great feedback...

Author: Garry Trinder Date: 04/09/2007

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