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How to Find That Setting

Submitted by Edwin Young, Microsoft

Microsoft Lync Server 2010 is a pretty complicated product, and has quite a lot of different options that can be configured. One problem you’ll run into while getting started is working out where the option is that you’re looking for.

Let’s say that in preparation fro an upcoming all-hands meeting you’re trying to check, and maybe change, the maximum meeting size permitted. As a first step, you can try and find all the relevant cmdlets using Get-Command:

PS > Get-Command *conferencing*

CommandType Name

----------- ----

Cmdlet Get-CsConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Get-CsConferencingPolicy

Cmdlet Get-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber

Cmdlet Get-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Get-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration

Cmdlet Get-CsDialInConferencingLanguageList

Cmdlet Grant-CsConferencingPolicy

Cmdlet New-CsConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet New-CsConferencingPolicy

Cmdlet New-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber

Cmdlet New-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet New-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration

Cmdlet Remove-CsConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Remove-CsConferencingPolicy

Cmdlet Remove-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber

Cmdlet Remove-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Remove-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration

Cmdlet Set-CsConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Set-CsConferencingPolicy

Cmdlet Set-CsDialInConferencingAccessNumber

Cmdlet Set-CsDialInConferencingConfiguration

Cmdlet Set-CsDialInConferencingDtmfConfiguration

Cmdlet Test-CsDialInConferencing

But if it’s not obvious which command you want, this little 1-line script may help:

PS > $params = Get-Command -CommandType Cmdlet *-Cs* | % { $n = $_.Name ; $_.Parameters.Values | % { Add-Member -in $_ noteproperty CmdletName $n; $_ } }

This can be read as follows:

Get-command -CommandType Cmdlet *-Cs* | # get all the communications server cmdlets, and pipe them into...

% { $n = $_.Name ; $_.Parameters.Values | # for each cmdlet, remember its name, then get all the parameters it takes, and pipe them into...

% { Add-Member -in $_ noteproperty CmdletName $n; $_ } # for each parameter, add the name of the cmdlet it comes from to the parameter object and output it


After this, the $params variable contains a list of all the parameters that all of our cmdlets accept. We can use this to search for what we want:

PS > $params | where { $_.Name -like "*meeting*" } | select Name,CmdletName

Name CmdletName

---- ----------

DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation New-CsClientPolicy

AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing New-CsConferencingPolicy

AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings New-CsConferencingPolicy

AllowExternalUsersToRecordMeeting New-CsConferencingPolicy

MaxMeetingSize New-CsConferencingPolicy

MaxScheduledMeetingsPerOrganizer New-CsUserServicesConfiguration

DisableMeetingSubjectAndLocation Set-CsClientPolicy

MeetingPsomPort Set-CsConferenceServer

AllowUserToScheduleMeetingsWithAppSharing Set-CsConferencingPolicy

AllowAnonymousParticipantsInMeetings Set-CsConferencingPolicy

AllowExternalUsersToRecordMeeting Set-CsConferencingPolicy

MaxMeetingSize Set-CsConferencingPolicy

MaxScheduledMeetingsPerOrganizer Set-CsUserServicesConfiguration

You can read that as “get all the parameters, select the ones with ‘meeting’ somewhere in their name, and print out the parameter name and cmdlet name.”

From that, it looks like we need to run:

PS > Set-CsConferencingPolicy -MaxMeetingSize 500

You can also use this to find other interesting tidbits, like this:

PS > $standardparams = "WhatIf", "Verbose", "Debug", "Confirm", "Force", "ErrorAction", "WarningAction", "ErrorVariable", "WarningVariable", "OutBuffer", "OutVariable", "Instance", "Identity"

PS > $params | where { $_.CmdletName -like "Set-*" -and $standardparams -notcontains $_.Name } | measure

Count : 792

Average :

Sum :

Maximum :

Minimum :

Property :

You can read this as “find each parameter to a Set- cmdlet which is not a ‘standard’ PowerShell parameter, and count them.”

Which indicates that at the time of writing, we have approximately 792 configurable properties in the system.

(By the way, there’s nothing specific to Lync Server here, apart from looking for *-Cs* – this will work for any set of cmdlets)



  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    In the sample, you have: $params | where { $.Name -like "meeting" } | select Name,CmdletName A possibly easier way is: $params | where { $.Name -match "meeting" } | select Name,CmdletName