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All-In-One Windows UI Code Samples

All-In-One Windows UI Code Samples


The All-In-One Windows UI code samples demonstrate the typical programming topics about Windows UI written in native C++. These topics are either frequently asked in MSDN forums and Microsoft Support, or are requested by many developers via our code sample request function. We want to alleviate the frustration felt by C++ developers when they are writing Windows UI.



Visual Studio 2008 Code Samples

Sample Description Download ReadMe
CppWindowsCommonControls The VC++ code sample contains simple examples of how to create common controls defined in comctl32.dll. Download ReadMe.txt
CppWindowsDialog This code sample demonstrates creating modal and modeless dialogs in VC++ Download ReadMe.txt
CppWindowsOwnerDrawnMenu The VC++ code sample demonstrates creating owner-drawn menu items in Windows applications Download ReadMe.txt
CppWindowsSubclassing The VC++ code sample demonstrates using subclass to add features to an existing Win32 control class Download ReadMe.txt
CppWindowsUserControls The VC++ code sample contains simple examples of how to create user controls defined in user32.dll. Download ReadMe.txt


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