I am really starting to enjoy Twitter. Actually, I am enjoying the experience that certain applications give me with Twitter. If you aren't familiar with Twitter, it is a service that allows you to send very short messages - 140 characters max - in the form of "tweets" to people that follow you. Think of it as subscribed IM's. I use it to let people know what I am doing and find out what they are doing. Many of the World Wide IT Evangelists have used it this week to comment live on sessions, make plans for lunch and dinner, and generally just update each other on what is going on. Since it is real time we are always in touch.
Twitter is the service that makes it happen but there are a bunch of apps out there that make it useful.
twhirl - this is a Twitter client that helps organize your Tweets as well as who you follow. I know there have to be other clients out there but this was the second one I loaded and I like the interface and the layout so I have stuck with it.\
Tiny Twitter - This is a client for Windows Mobile devices. I didn't like this one too much until this week when I updated to the latest build. Prior to that it was killing my phone dozens of times a day. Now it runs smooth as glass. Great for Tweeting on the go.
OutTwit - This is an add-on for Outlook that helps organize tweets for you. I only loaded this one this past week so the jury is still out on whether I will get much out of it. It archives tweets in Outlook which means I can use the built-in search to find messages. Great for finding that tweet from someone that has a link to a news story or other interesting information. I have a lot more playing around to do with this app so I will post more on this when in a week or so.
twistori - This is a dynamic web site that scans Twitter Tweets for certain key words and scrolls those messages across the screen. Not particularly useful (to me anyway) but interesting when you have some time to kill and you want to be a little voyeuristic.
twitterfeed - I posted about this one a few days ago. This app leverages RSS to grab your blogs posts and tweet them for you. I set mine up so that it only grabs the blogs posts that have my twitterfeed tag associated with them. That way I don't over tweet if I decide to go on a blogging frenzy (yet to happen....).
You can follow me on Twitter here .
What other Twitter clients are out there I should look at?
August 01, 2008
How much time are you spending on twitter and what are you really learning?Anonymous
August 01, 2008
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