Brian Johnson's Startup Developer Blog
How to not step into a function...
A heavily disclaimed, yet tasty posting form Andy Pennell on How to Not Step Into Functions using...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/06/2004
I've seen DateLens before for the Pocket PC, but I didn't realize that there was a free version...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/06/2004
MyDoom (A,B) Worm Removal Tool Available
The Mydoom removal tool is up and available for download: MyDoom (A,B) Worm Removal Tool for Windows...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/06/2004
Allegiance Source Code Released
Chis Sells found this nugget from Microsoft Research: MS Allegiance Code Released to Fans...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/06/2004
Raymond Chen on the layout of a COM object
Raymond Chen has an interesting post describing the layout of COM objects. It is no coincidence that...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/05/2004
Michael Howard on MS04-004
Michael Howard clears up some of the confusion around MS04-004.
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/04/2004
Visual C++ Project System Developer Peter Huene has a Weblog
This should be good. Peter works on the Visual C++ project system (which happens to be my favorite...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/04/2004
MSDN Chrome
We've got an updated chrome (the style of the area that frames our content) running on MSDN. I think...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/04/2004
SFU on LinuxInsider
Interesting article by Tom Yager on LinuxInsider about Services for Unix: Unix for Windows In...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/04/2004
Microsoft Security Bulletin MS04-004
I thought I had posted this earlier, but I think it's stuck open on another machine at work. We...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/04/2004
Virus Signatures
Here's an interesting quote from the Security Wire Perspecitves newsletter I recived this morning....
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/02/2004
Newsweek Q&A with Amit Yoran
Amit Yoran, National Cyber Security Division Director, on the difference between the effects of the...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 02/01/2004
Microsoft Offers Reward
Here's some info from Microsoft regarding a reward program set up in the wake of MyDoom.B. Microsoft...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/30/2004
Longhorn on the .NET Show
I see there's a new .NET Show up: Latest Episode: Longhorn Overview In this episode of the .NET...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
PSS Mydoom Virus Alert Updated
We're linking to the PSS guidance for the Mydoom worm from the MSDN Home Page and most of the...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
New Windows Server 2003 Security Guides points to a couple of new security papers in the download center: Windows Server 2003...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
When I came home tonight, my wife said that giant, pig-sized raccoons jumped out of the bushes and...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
Here's a link to the US-CERT Web site. You can join a couple of technical mailing lists here to...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
Wired on Mydoom
Wired has a pretty good writeup today on the Mydoom worm. Many users may not know that they're...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/28/2004
DVD Sneaker Net
I was talking to somebody the yesterday about how much he likes the Netflix service that allows him...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/27/2004
SFU Review
Jason points to a positive Services for UNIX 3.5 review at OSNews.
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/27/2004
Scoble got SPOT
Robert Scoble got a SPOT watch yesterday. Very cool. I'm sure he'll have some interesting stuff to...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/27/2004
ISA Server 2004 Beta Available
The ISA Server 2004 beta is available for download from This is a good chance to take...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/27/2004
What You Should Know About the Mydoom Worm
We've published a Virus Alert for the Mydoom Worm: Why We Are Issuing This Alert W32/Mydoom@MM...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/27/2004
MSN Toolbar Beta
This is interesting. An MSN Search toolbar. I'll take it for a spin and see how it compares. I've...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/26/2004
Correcting a SPOT Review
I was reading a recent SPOT review and the following caught my eye: For example, you have to pay...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/26/2004
Data Access and Storage Developer Center is Live
Congratulations to Christa! The MSDN Data Access and Storage Developer center is now up and running....
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/26/2004
SPOT Watch Update
After a week with the SPOT, I must say that I'm really enjoying this device. What's really...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/24/2004
Total Recall
Coincidence? I think not. My wife and I talked about watching Total Recall tonight. (I love that...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/24/2004
Opportunity Lands!
Just as I was about to post my last entry I looked up at the TV to see the CNN coverage of the...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/24/2004
54 Commandments of COM Object Model Design.
Craig shares a list of 54 COM object model design commandments: I thought I would share the list of...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/24/2004
SQL Blog to Watch
Christa Carpentiere is the new MSDN Content Strategist for the upcoming Data Access and Storage...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/22/2004
MBSA 1.2
As long as we're talking security... MBSA 1.2 has been posted on TechNet. TechNet has posted a good...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/20/2004
Bagle Virus Notice: What to Do
Here's some general guidance that we're pushing in the wake of the Bagle virus: Bagle Virus Notice:...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/20/2004
OLEXP: Using Virus Protection Features in Outlook Express 6
There's a new e-mail virus going around according to a number of stories I've seen. Here's one...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/20/2004
X Server and Services for UNIX
Jason has posted an entry discussing X servers in Services for UNIX: I've been at Microsoft for more...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/19/2004
Phillip Torrone sent me a link to some mods he's been doing on his SPOT watches. Don't try this at...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/18/2004
SPOT Observations
I was away from the Microsoft campus on Friday, and so I missed a SPOT presentation that was given...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/18/2004
Suunto Pics
I posted a few pictures of the Suunto N3 to my photo site. I just wanted to show what comes in the...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/17/2004
Got my Spot!
OK, so I picked up my new Spot Watch today. I decided on the Suunto because I read everything I...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/17/2004
Services for UNIX 3.5
Services for UNIX 3.5 is released and available for download. Follow the instructions on the SFU...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/16/2004
Tomorrow is Personal Firewall Day...
So everyone have a happy and safe PFD! Personal Firewall Day is dedicated to educating everyone...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/14/2004
Napster and Windows Media Center
Duncan and I were talking about the kinds of plug-ins that could be created for Windows Media Center...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/14/2004
Help Protect Your PC from Viruses, Worms, and Other Cyber-Attacks
I haven't see this yet, but the latest Microsoft Insider show is Protect Your PC. The other shows on...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/13/2004
Eric Lippert on Script Security
Eric Lippert has posted the second of a series of entries on security in script. Here are links to...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/13/2004
The first three Security Bulletins of 2004
From TechNet: MS04-001 Vulnerability in H.323 Filter can Allow Remote Code Execution (816458)...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/13/2004
Lunch with Marc and Craig
I had lunch with Marc and Craig today and I took a picture. In it, you see Craig's new SPOT watch....
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/12/2004
Microsoft Skills Assessment
We had a big meeting today and I heard about some cool new things. One of the things I heard about...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/12/2004
New blog mini-series on security
Peter Torr is doing a new mini-series on security.
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/11/2004
Another take on the MSN Direct Watch
Joe Wilcox has been wearing the MSN Direct (SPOT) watch for a few weeks and he's posted some...
Author: Brian Johnson MS Date: 01/10/2004