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VB IDE Team Blog

The Visual Basic IDE team now has a blog here.  These are the guys (and girls) that are responsible for the VB portion of Visual Studio.  They have already started to post some great content in just a few days.


  • Anonymous
    April 22, 2005
    HI,everybody!i have some trouble this time.i wanna some suggestions how to begin my Vbasic language study.i love this language and want to do something with it. i wanna you professors could give me your suggestions.thanx a lot.
  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2005
    After i pay for Visual Studio 2005 is it free afterwards or do i have to pay a fee? I have Visual Studio 6.0.
  • Anonymous
    April 23, 2005
    What is Visual Studio .NET?
    What is Visual Studio 2005?
  • Anonymous
    April 27, 2005
    CoOl! man i like VB.net alot it's realy make my fantasy real .but there is always a problem . vs.net take alot of my computer resources so applications and other process work slow . for example the time taking to press RUN and the system compile and builder about 8 seconds! ... 8 seconds! so 8+8+8 while am debuging and correct code i find my productivity decress and my boss will fire me and restat aonther Delphi programmer to do my work! my qusions to the team if there is any way i can decress the time of compilation with upgrading my PC .. thanx alot and i'm waiting you replay!

    with my regards
    E.AnAs Monaffal /Africa-Sudan
  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2005
    hi , i'm having a problem with visual basic 6.I added a data control to the vb form , and when i clicked on record source , it gives an error that e.g rfrtttt.mdb is not a recognized format.Pls i need help on this problem as i used microsoft access 2003 to create the database.
  • Anonymous
    April 30, 2005

    You to convert you .MDB (Acess 2003) format to the oldest format of Microsoft Acess 97 .. to do that go to Tool menu /Database /Convert Database ..
    and convert the database OK! if you need other help send me in my e-,mail (turboanas@hotmail.com) CoOl! ... last note man .. Visual studio 2005 now on market you still 8 years behind .. try to upgrade your self~ ....


    E.AnAs MOnaffal /SUdan/DARFUR!
  • Anonymous
    May 01, 2005
    Hello dear developers
    I'm going to add skin to my form in VB6
    how can I do skinning on VB6?
  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2005
    Helloz! Robert ...

    Sorry been late for answer cuase i was away from Net for the past 4 days . about your conversion problem that may be cause of serveral resons!

    * Installation problem : may be your version of MS Access 2003 have some files missing . so i suggest you resinstall your copy of MS Office . and if you using an illegal copy that's meens your version is full of bugs and errors.

    * also you can use the repair method on Tools menu / Database Untilites and click on Combact Repair database .

    * Try to check your file may be its corrupted due to disk error of something in this case it's hard to recover your data . by the way make backup files from your access file to aviod wasting information .

    - if toy still have a problem .. if you file in small may be you can send it to me .. or we can find some else way to solve this .

    OK! Mr.Buntina have best wiches and i hope you solve your problem soon!

    E.AnAs Monaffal Alnour
    Mob: +249918077508
  • Anonymous
    May 06, 2005
    Hi! mr. Meherdad

    you want skin . easy try downlaoding vbskinner pro from http://www.visual-basic.com.ar/active-x-controls.htm. it's a cool software make you apply skins esay to vb6 forms!
    my best wiches

    e.AnAs MOnaffal
  • Anonymous
    May 07, 2005
    Hello dear Brad

    thanks for repling.

    I desided to set my application as InternetExplorer Host then I made my form skinable!

    thanks for helping ...

  • Anonymous
    May 08, 2005
    I'm post graduate student try to develop basic electronic editor (which can drag n drop resistor,capacitor etc.) look like VB IDE, have toolbox and form.

    Where can i find the source code for that purpose.

    Can you give me any hint how to create the object in toolbox like resistor.

    How about if i use third party object to put in toolbox like graph activex for example.
  • Anonymous
    May 09, 2005
    dear Hasnim

    I can not understand exactly what! you want ? do you wanna make a software like Curcuit maker? or you wanna made an application that interacts with electronic pulses and control signal !?
  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2005
    The comment has been removed