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Microsoft for Startups Australia

Accelerating Success for Today's most Promising Startups! Feel free to reach us here - msft4startupsau@microsoft.com

Ideation Workshop with Patrick Van der Pijl : Build an App with a Business Model

Ideation Workshop: Build an App with a Business Model It's one thing to develop an amazing app, but...

Author: esthergergis Date: 09/04/2013

Nudge Moments: Help! How do I prepare a budget for my StartUp?

Every second month Emma answers a finance question (via Vlog or Blog) asked by a member of Microsoft...

Author: esthergergis Date: 08/27/2013

Calling all developers, start-ups and open data enthusiasts—join us at the Open Data Mixer

Queensland Government has released a wave of new data sets for developers to utilize & launched...

Author: esthergergis Date: 08/25/2013

TransLink Data Showcase As part of the Premier’s Open Data Awards, TransLink is holding a Data...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 07/21/2013

Meet Job Stock – The Startup Making Freelancing Simple.

Meet Job Stock – The Startup Making Freelancing Simple. I recently had the privilege of...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 06/23/2013

Nudge Moments: Your Startup Finance Question Answered. Cashflow, Cashflow, Cashflow

Nudge Moments: Cashflow Finance, accounting, numbers... ahhh! Thankfully our friends at Nudge...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 06/02/2013

Meet the Team behind Wander: Collaboration meets Gaming

Meet the Team Behind Wander We recently caught up with Loki Davies from Wander, a BizSpark Start-up...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 06/02/2013

A BizSpark Dev Camp -Especially for Start-Up's!

Please join us for a special Windows 8 Developer Camp event for Start-ups. Supported by BizSpark,...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 05/09/2013

Join GovHack on the Gold Coast

Join the GovHack Weekend https://www.govhack.org/locations/gold-coast/ What is GovHack? We fill a...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 05/08/2013

Join Us for a Windows Azure Dev Camp!

You’re invited! Please join us for a special Windows Azure Developer Camp event. Windows Azure...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/25/2013

Creating Value in Digital Businesses

Creating Value in Digital Businesses18 April, 2013 | Brisbane Our BizSpark Network Partner River...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/16/2013

Adelaide Windows Phone 8 Developers Workshop

Adelaide Windows Phone 8 Developers Workshop Fri/Sat, May 3rd and 4th Calling all SA Adelaide based...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/16/2013

World IP Day @ The Sunshine Coast

World IP Day 2013 The Sunshine Coast has won the opportunity to host the international World IP Day...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/10/2013

Introducing A Nudge Start-Up Moment- Get Your Questions Ready

Do you have a finance question you would love an accountant to answer, but not sure who to ask? We...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/10/2013

Welcome to Global Windows Azure Bootcamp!

Welcome to Global Windows Azure Bootcamp! For more information check out...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 04/02/2013

Intelligent Cities Asia Pacific Summit

Register Here

Author: Emily Muller Date: 03/26/2013

Join DevExpress on the Express Way Tour

Join DevExpress on the Express Way Tour With stops around the world, DevExpress and Sixth Avenue...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 03/19/2013

Know Your Numbers- Guest Post by Emma Petroulas from Nudge Accounting

Know your numbers When beginning your start-up journey, there is so much you need to be on top of...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 03/06/2013

They are here....Windows Azure Dev Camps in MEL, SYD, BNE

You’re invited! Please join us for a special Windows Azure Developer Camp event. Windows Azure...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 03/06/2013

Best Practice IP Management for Resources Companies- With Wrays

Author: Emily Muller Date: 02/28/2013

BizSpark Expressway- Innovation & Reward

Innovation Risk and Reward EXPRESSWAY Network Forum is a lunchtime forum for board and senior...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 02/10/2013

#Appfest Sydney

The three day event to develop your App idea on Phone, OS, or Cloud. At #Appfest Sydney,...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 01/21/2013

Windows Phone 8 Start-Up Weekend- Brisbane

Windows Phone 8 + Start-Up’s = Weekend Goodness Join us for a start-up weekend of coding fun,...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 01/21/2013

BizSpark Start-Up Launched Microcone Voices at CES!

We are super proud of one of our Gold Coast BizSpark Start-Up's Dev Audio who recently launched...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 01/21/2013

DevCamp: Build apps for Office and SharePoint

DevCamp: Build apps for Office and SharePoint What if you could build Microsoft Office and...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 01/13/2013

Windows Phone 8 Training and Hands-On-Labs in Melbourne, Brisbane and Sydney

Come and learn about developing for the new Windows Phone 8. In each city, Day 1 (Friday) is...

Author: Emily Muller Date: 11/19/2012

Invitation: How SaaS Changes an ISV's Business Model

    You probably already heard that the future of IT is in the Cloud, but what does this...

Author: ceibner Date: 10/02/2012

How Startups Can Use Social Media to Grow with Mat Beeche & Friends

This is your chance to find out how Jane Lu of Show Pony Fashion, Catherine Eibner of Microsoft (yep...

Author: ceibner Date: 09/18/2012

Guest Post: Worried about patent trolls? Think software patents are a ‘bad idea’?

Here is the second guest post from the IP lawyer team at Wrays – we hope you are enjoying the series...

Author: ceibner Date: 09/18/2012

Bizspark Gold Coast Meet-Up

Bizspark Gold Coast Meet-Up If you're a Gold Coast Start-Up or one planning to be on the Gold Coast...

Author: ceibner Date: 09/05/2012

Conquer the Web! Discounted tickets for BizSpark Members

In September, our good friends from Anthill Magazine will be hosting an event called Conquer the...

Author: ceibner Date: 09/02/2012

Want in-depth 3 days of hands on Training in Azure? Attend the Windows Azure Training Workshop in Melbourne

Windows Azure Training Workshop Invitation  Training Event We would like to offer you the...

Author: ceibner Date: 08/28/2012

Please join us for a special Windows Azure Developer Camp event in Melbourne

You're Invited! Please join us for a special Windows Azure Developer Camp event. Windows Azure...

Author: ceibner Date: 08/28/2012

Join us to learn about the cloud business opportunity – Executive Business Briefing Melbourne

Executive Business Briefing Invitation  Join us to learn about the cloud business opportunity ISVs...

Author: ceibner Date: 08/28/2012

Windows 8 Hackathon - Fame, riches or workplace glory could be yours!

We will be hosting a 24 hour Windows 8 hackathon the Monday of TechEd, from 11:30am on Monday 10...

Author: ceibner Date: 08/13/2012

Startup Weekend Comes to Perth

What is Startup Weekend? Startup Weekend is an intense 54 hour event which brings together people...

Author: ceibner Date: 08/13/2012

The importance of Design Thinking : Interview with Doug Solomon of IDEO

I was fortunate enough to attend the Global Entrepreneur Acceleration Program (GEAP) in Bilbao Spain...

Author: ceibner Date: 07/24/2012

Innovation Bay Angel Dinner, Sydney 21st August 2012

For those of you that headed along to last weeks BizSpark APAC Entrepreneurs Summit – you would have...

Author: ceibner Date: 07/16/2012

It’s Tech 23 Time! Apply Now!

Get ready for Tech23 2012! Throw your hat in the ring to showcase your business. Tech23 has already...

Author: ceibner Date: 07/16/2012

Today’s Azure Announcements & upcoming local training events

Did you hear the latest news about Windows Azure? We have just unveiled the biggest update to...

Author: ceibner Date: 06/07/2012

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