"WPF/E" CTP and Expression Studio Announced
For the past several months I've been spending more and more of my time at work focused on our broader UX story, designers, and our rich media platform. It has been quite a ride, ramping up on parts of the business that I haven't had a lot of famiiarity with but are critical to our Web Platform efforts. Today, was an exciting day for a lot of people involved because we shipped our first CTP of "WPF/E" (better real product name TBA, trust me) and announced details of the Expression Studio for professional designers and availability of Expression Web, our new professional grade standards based Web design tool.
For "WPF/E:"
You can install it here, and then try out a few of the early samples that show off some of its capabilities below:
- Page Turner
- Sprawl Game
- Film Strip Slide-Show
- Media Library
- Channel 9 Player (this is amazing, play the video, then shapeshift)
Lot's of details on other folks blogs (I'm late to the game)
S. Somasegar - https://blogs.msdn.com/somasegar/
Scott Guthrie - https://weblogs.asp.net/scottgu/
Joe Stegman - https://blogs.msdn.com/jstegman/default.aspx
James Clarke - https://www.clarkezone.net/
Mike Harsh - https://blogs.msdn.com/mharsh/default.aspx
Sean Alexander - https://www.seanalexander.com/
Let us know what you think, lot's of great stuff in the pipe!
December 04, 2006
The Channel 9 player is at http://channel9.msdn.com/playground/wpfe/ch9player/default.html and it is cool.Anonymous
December 04, 2006
good catch, updated the link, thx!Anonymous
February 12, 2007
Hi! <a href= thanks for sharing ></a> [url=thanks for sharing][/url]Anonymous
February 16, 2007
Hi! <a href= 000d54aadcedee0739d39127955f2cdb ></a> [url=000d54aadcedee0739d39127955f2cdb ][/url]