다음을 통해 공유

Heads down, community word up

My headspace is with the rest of the XNA  community games team, rather heads-down at the moment with a brief foray Mon-Tues into the MSR Social Computing Symposium  (streamed live on Pirillo.com/O'Reilly). That is always an amazing mental trip because of the academics who present as well as industry leading lights. I worked the weekend and late tonight to make up for the absence, but it was worth it to get the jolt of social media DNA again. Thank you Microsoft Research!

I make another cameo at a CEA Industry Forum panel on Web 2.0 stuff in Las Vegas. I got to have a brief con call with the other panelists and they all sound like sharp cool people. I just need to work over the weekend and get my notes/etc together. I love panels because you are all in it together - it's not so naked as single public speaking plus I always learn something new.

Kathleen our community manager  for XNA has just made a couple of posts about the date for our launch (finally finally, the veil is lifted and I get to talk about that) and the full release of Game Studio in time for Halloween (doesn't that seem perfect somehow? the holiday of dressup, spooky and wild creativity). We want your games! We want you to rock our world with your games! (and make money doing it!)

Good times ahead people!

Live it vivid!
