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Ignite Australia 2017 Post Even Session Recommendations For OEM and System Builder Partners – Enterprise Mobility Part 1

Yesterday I covered some of the Office 365 sessions at Ignite 2017 Australia, and today the focus shifts to sessions that cover components of the Enterprise Mobility + Security suite. Just like Office 365, the ongoing addition of Mobile Device Management capabilities into Windows 10, and the corresponding cloud based services is a major change of direction for many OEM and SBC partners, so hopefully some of the following sessions help to fill in some knowledge gaps. Not all of the session recordings have been posted as at the time of writing these, so expect to see some topics revisited as the online catalogue is fully populated. I'll start with the Azure Active Directory focused sessions today, and tomorrow I will move from cloud based identity management over to user, app and data management.

Identity; What you need to know to be in the Microsoft Cloud

With organisations moving into the Microsoft Cloud, making informed Identity decisions and providing a solid identity foundation has become crucial to successful Microsoft Cloud adoption. At the heart of this identity foundation is Microsoft Azure Active Directory, however with several different methods of implementation, each with their own strengths and weaknesses, knowing where to start and how to get into the Cloud can be challenging. Join Microsoft Premier Field Engineer, Mark Rhodes in this presentation explaining each of the options that are available for organisations to use when considering their Cloud Identity Strategy. Mark will also discuss new features and functionality of Azure Active, as well as show how to make the best choice for your business, and demonstrate the easiest and quickest ways to get your Cloud Identity off the ground.

Introduction to Authentication on Azure Active Directory

In this session, Simon will introduce the Microsoft Authentication and Authorization system. He'll cover the protocols (oAuth2, OpenID Connect), Libraries (MSAL, ADAL) and Directories (Azure AD, Azure AD B2C, Microsoft Accounts).

The many faces of Identity in Azure. Hybrid and beyond!

Customer/Citizen, Partner and Internal identities. How to navigate the current wave of Digital Disruption and achieve rock star status leveraging Azure Active Directory and it's (almost magical) feature set. Discover how to design and configure scalable, highly-available and cost effective Identity backed solutions whilst respecting privacy, compliance and requirements around data sovereignty.