AskDS is 0.03 Centuries Old Today
Three years ago today the AskDS site published its first post and had its first commenter. In the meantime we’ve created 455 articles and we’re now ranked 6th in all of TechNet’s blogs, behind AskPerf, Office2010, MarkRussinovich, SBS, and HeyScriptingGuy. That’s a pretty amazing group to be lumped in with for traffic, I don’t mind saying. Especially Mark, he has incredible hair.
Without your visits we wouldn’t be here to celebrate another weirdly composed Office Clipart birthday.
Thanks everyone,
- Ned “and the rest of the AskDS contributors” Pyle
August 10, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 10, 2010
uhhh I mean so I woudln't have to take Rogaine...see I'm mezmerized by the hair too :)Anonymous
August 10, 2010
August 10, 2010
The comment has been removedAnonymous
August 11, 2010
It is definitely the number one source for great AD information, Thanks for contributing great deal of information related to AD. wishing you all the very best...!Anonymous
August 12, 2010
Thanks guys. :)