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the perfect storm

From Merriam-Webster.com :


2 : a disturbed or agitated state <storms of emotion> : a sudden or violent commotion

That's what my life has been like for the past two weeks. A sudden, violent commotion. My parents, my sister and my niece flew in to visit me over Christmas. I was not ready for them. Launch is like round the corner. GNoTE, like, just launched. How could my family visiting right now do any good?

Two weeks later, here I am, with this annoying lump in my throat that you get when you're about to burst out in to tears. Because, I can't stand the thought of not waking up with my niece in my face forcing me to read "Dora finding Santa" with her for the 80 gazillionth time. I can't stand the thought of not driving around for hours trying to find the spot closest to the mall I never go to, so that my sister won't have to walk far to get to it. I can't stand the thought of not sharing laptop time with my Dad so that he can check how his stocks are doing. I can't stand the thought of not telling my mom where the salad dressing needs to go in the fridge.

This is what life is supposed to be like, because this, my family being here, is what makes me happy. Because for the last two weeks, I've been a sound sleeper. Because for the last two weeks I haven't cared about the NFL. Because for the last two weeks, even though my sister and I have wanted to get into fights, my niece would come by and tug on my shirt telling me she's the most beautiful baby in the world, and all I could do is smile. Because for the last two weeks, I've been happy.

Again, from Merriam-Webster.com :


2 : a disturbed or agitated state <storms of emotion> : a sudden or violent commotion

So, that's what my life has been like for the past two years. A sudden, violent commotion. My parents, my sister and my niece flew in to visit me over Christmas and they changed that. They have given me a dose of reality. I've learned I'm human, and I'm capable of emotion. These tears are real.




  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2006
    Your post left me with the same annoying lump. I have a niece, and thanks to her, i feel the kind of love that i never imagined anyone could ever feel. Is our life away from them really worth it?
  • Anonymous
    December 30, 2006
    Mr.AI,I'm glad you had an awesome X'mas. It's good to 'feel' again...Today is NYE-Eve - you know what you have to do.aK
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2006
    Dear Aunt, Is our life away from them really worth it?I don't know. People say odd things like, we have to enjoy the times we spend them and cherish them, and look back at them with joy and cherishment and enjoyment. People also say that if it weren't for the not-so-good moments, we wouldn't appreciate the good ones. But, I don't know. Is it worth it?ai
  • Anonymous
    December 31, 2006
    aK, Today is NYE-Eve - you know what you have to do.Ha! That's all I have to say to that.ai