다음을 통해 공유


My colleague, Rory Blyth, and I were discussing U2's new album, "How to Dismantle an Atomic Bomb" after an event in Bellevue, WA a few days ago...

So, what am I missing about U2's new album and, more importantly, their song "Vertigo"? Why "Un Dos Tres", and, how does Bono get to Catorce right after un dos and tres? While a lot of you out there are asking me to let it go, I simply refuse to do so... And my old friends will agree when I say, I'm just kinda compulsive that way (I have a story about how this one song kept replaying in my head OVER and OVER back in the day when I had to do my SATs, and I eventually blamed my friend for singing before the test).

Or, maybe, I am just using "Rory Blyth" (notice how I always call him Rory Blyth, and not just Rory), and "U2", and "Vertigo" to get more hits on my blog... ;)

PS: Personally, I think U2 rocks...
