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Dr Michael Rys – meet the expert.


For those that don’t know him Michael Rys is the principal program manager lead for SQL Server’s Beyond Relational Data team and represents Microsoft on the W3C xml query working group.  While he’s over in the UK next week he’s volunteered to speak at a special SQL Server community event on 30th June, which is very short notice so my apologies!

The details of the event are on the UK SQL Server Community site (on the events tab) and you’ll need to register as places will be limited:


6:30pm - 6.45pm - Introduction, news and gossip.
Whats going on in the world,

6:45 - 9pm An Introduction to the New Spatial Data Support in SQL Server 2008 by Michael Rys

Spatial data is fundamental, modeling the locations and shapes of objects in the world to enable visual analysis of data. This session will be an introduction to working with spatial data in SQL Server. We will describe the different types of spatial data, give business examples of the use of spatial data, and provide an overview and demonstration of the new spatial features in SQL Server 2008 such as the spatial types, their methods, how to visualize and how to index it.


Conchango Offices
36 Southwark Bridge Road

Map image

I look forward to seeing you there.

Technorati Tags: xml,Michael Rys,sql server,unstructured data