다음을 통해 공유

It's nice to be liked

My obsession with monitoring amazon.com sales ranks is backing off a bit (I only check a few times a day now). Sales of the book are slow but steady, but given that it's a niche market, I can't complain. I don't make any money from the book, but I still want it to do well.

I was excited to see yesterday that hwtsam received it's second 5 star review on amazon. This one means a lot to me for two reasons. One is that it's from a non-MS person (not that MS people have to like the book, but industry validation is nice). The second is that the review nails the exact goal of the book - practical examples over theory. An excerpt follows:

This book isn't going to waste your time with superficial solutions, or perfect world scenarios, this book is written from the trenches. I spent the first day reading it, nodding my head, and at times yelling "yes, that's it EXACTLY". The writers are drawing from experience, they understand testing software, and more importantly, they understand how to position a tester, and a test team, for success.

I'm sure that at some point (maybe even today) someone will post the first one-star review on Amazon, but for now, I'm going to feel good about what we've accomplished for a few more minutes.
