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Working with JSON in Power Fx

Power Fx allows makers to read JSON into an Untyped object using the ParseJSON function.

Reading and converting values

ParseJSON will convert the following JSON record string into an Untyped object with fields ItemName, Quantity, ReleaseDate and AvailableForPreOrder.

  "ItemName" : "Widget 1",
  "Quantity" : 46,
  "ReleaseDate" : "2022-09-01",
  "AvailableForPreOrder" : true

Each of the fields can be accessed using the dot notation on the Untyped object value returned from ParseJSON.

Set( untyped, ParseJSON( jsonStringVariable ) );

Set( item, Text ( untyped.ItemName ) );
Set( quantity, Value ( untyped.Quantity ) );
Set( release, DateValue ( untyped.ReleaseDate ) );
Set( preorder, Boolean ( untyped.AvailableForPreOrder ) );

It is generally a good idea to explicitly convert an untyped object's value to a specific type. Setting an untyped object as a variable value makes the variable an Untyped object as well. So, converting such value explicitly when setting to a variable is likely needed. But in most cases untyped object values will convert to a specific type automatically ("coerce") when used as function parameters where the type is a simple type like boolean, number, or text, and the function's parameter profile does not have potential conflicting overloads.

Left( untyped.ItemName, 1 ); // "W"
Radians( untyped.Quantity ); // 0.80285146
If (untyped.AvailableForPreOrder, "Available", "Not Available" ); // "Available"

In addition to automatically converting the type in function calls, untyped objects will also be converted when assigned to control properties, where possible.

Label1.Text: untyped.Quantity
InputText1.Default: untyped.ItemName

And finally, when using operators such as & or +, an Untyped object will be coerced if there is no ambiguity on the expected type.

untyped.Quantity + 1 // result is a number
untyped.ItemName & " (preorder)" // result is text
untyped.Quantity + untyped.Quantity // result is a number
untyped.Quantity & untyped.ItemName // result is text


JSON does not have a GUID, Color, Time or DateTime type. These values are represented as a string. If you assign a JSON untyped object value containing a date to a text property directly, the original text of the JSON will be used. This may be important when dealing with time zones, date formats, etc. In such cases you should explicitly convert the values using GUID(), ColorValue(), DateValue(), DateTimeValue(), etc.

In case a field name consists of an invalid identifier name, for example when the field names starts with a number or contains invalid characters such as a hyphen, you can put the field names in single quotes:


Power Fx won't evaluate the existence of the field until the formula is run. This allows flexibility in the incoming JSON. For example, the previous JSON may sometimes contain an extra field called Discount. But in our previous example, this field isn't present. Writing a formula that uses the Discount field won't result in any errors, during the app making process or when users use the app. If the field is missing when the formula runs, the value will just result in a Blank() value.


JSON supports null values for fields. These will also result in Blank() values. Currently, there is no distinction in Power Fx between a missing field, or a field that has the value null.

As accessing fields on Untyped objects isn't evaluated when writing the formula, there's also no Intellisense available. Both JSON and Power Fx are case sensitive, so take extra care in writing out field names.

JSON values don't have to be in a record-style notation. Valid JSON can be just a value, such as "text value", true or 123.456. In such a case, the Untyped object that ParseJSON returns is the value itself and the dot notation isn't used.

Set( myText, Boolean( ParseJSON( "true" ) ) );

Set( myNumber, Value( ParseJSON( "123.456" ) ) );

Finally, JSON supports nested records. Converting such JSON to Untyped object results in nested objects, and the dot notation can be used to traverse the hierarchy.

  "Version" : 1,
  "RootElement" : {
    "Parent" : {
      "Name" : "This is the parent",
      "Child" : {
        "Name" : "This is the child"

When converting this JSON string to an Untyped object variable named jsonObject, the fields can be accessed using the dot notation.

Set( jsonObject, ParseJSON( jsonStringVariable ) );

Set( parentName, Text( jsonObject.RootElement.Parent.Name ) ); // "This is the parent"

Set( childName, Text( jsonObject.RootElement.Parent.Child.Name ) ); // "This is the child"

If any of the fields in the dot notation expression don't exist, Blank() will be returned.

Arrays and tables

JSON can contain arrays of values or records. These arrays can be accessed directly, or converted into Power Fx tables.

  "OrderNumber" : "SO000010",
  "CustomerID" : "CUST0126",
  "OrderLines" : [
      "Item" : "Widget 1",
      "Quantity" : 3
      "Item" : "Widget 2",
      "Quantity" : 5

This JSON contains a record with a field named OrderLines which contains an array of records. Each record has two fields: Item and Quantity. If the JSON is converted into an Untyped object using the ParseJSON function and set to a variable named jsonOrder, we can access the individual order lines in several ways.

Set( jsonOrder, ParseJSON( jsonStringVariable ) );

You can retrieve individual records and values using the Index() function. For example, to get the second record in the OrderLines field, then access the Quantity field and convert it to a value.

Set( line2Quantity, Value( Index( jsonOrder.OrderLines, 2 ).Quantity ); // 5

You can convert the array of order lines directly to a table. This will create a single-column table with an Untyped object representing the record.

Set( orderLines, Table( jsonOrder.OrderLines ) );

Single column table 'orderLines' now has a 'Value' column that represents the Untyped object. To use any of the fields from a record in this table, use the dot notation to access the specific JSON field on the Untyped object in the Value column.

Set( jsonRecord, Index( orderLines, 2 ) ); // Get the second record in the table

Set( line2Item, Text( jsonRecord.Value.Item ) ); // "Widget 2"

To make the use of the order line records easier and more straightforward in other parts of your app, you can convert the whole Untyped object to an entirely typed record using the ForAll() function. Providing the Untyped object directly to ForAll() means you can access the object fields directly instead of using the single-column Value field.

Set( typedOrderLines, ForAll( jsonOrder.OrderLines, { Item : Text( ThisRecord.Item ), Quantity : Value( ThisRecord.Quantity ) } ) );

The new typedOrderLines variable is now a fully typed Power Fx table with the following columns and values:

Item Quantity
"Widget 1" 3
"Widget 2" 5

The previous examples use arrays of records, but JSON can also contain arrays of just values. Consider the following example that is a valid JSON string containing an array of three strings.

[ "First Item", "Second Item", "Third Item"]

We can retrieve one of the items from the array using the Index() function, and convert it to text.

Text( Index( ParseJSON( jsonStringVariable ), 2 ) ) // "Second Item"