
გაზიარება არხიდან:

Acos, Acot, Asin, Atan, Atan2, Cos, Cot, Degrees, Pi, Radians, Sin, and Tan functions

Applies to: Canvas apps Desktop flows Model-driven apps Power Pages Power Platform CLI

Calculates trigonometric values.


Primary functions

The Cos function returns the cosine of its argument, an angle specified in radians.

The Cot function returns the cotangent of its argument, an angle specified in radians.

The Sin function returns the sine of its argument, an angle specified in radians.

The Tan function returns the tangent of its argument, an angle specified in radians.

Inverse functions

The Acos function returns the arccosine, or inverse cosine, of its argument. The arccosine is the angle whose cosine is the argument. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to π.

The Acot function returns the principal value of the arccotangent, or inverse cotangent, of its argument. The returned angle is given in radians in the range 0 (zero) to π.

The Asin function returns the arcsine, or inverse sine, of its argument. The arcsine is the angle whose sine is the argument. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -π/2 to π/2.

The Atan function returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of its argument. The arctangent is the angle whose tangent is the argument. The returned angle is given in radians in the range -π/2 to π/2.

The Atan2 function returns the arctangent, or inverse tangent, of the specified x and y coordinates as arguments. The arctangent is the angle from the x-axis to a line that contains the origin (0, 0) and a point with coordinates (x, y). The angle is given in radians between -π and π, excluding -π. A positive result represents a counterclockwise angle from the x-axis; a negative result represents a clockwise angle. Atan2( ab ) equals Atan( b/a ), except that a can equal 0 (zero) with the Atan2 function.

Helper functions

The Degrees function converts radians to degrees. π radians equals 180 degrees.

The Pi function returns the transcendental number π, which begins 3.141592...

The Radians function converts degrees to radians.


If you pass a single number to these functions, the return value is a single result. If you pass a single-column table that contains numbers, the return value is a single-column table of results with a Value column, one result for each record in the argument's table. If you have a multi-column table, you can shape it into a single-column table, as working with tables describes.

If an argument would result in an undefined value, the result is blank. This can happen, for example, when using inverse functions with arguments that are out of range.


Primary Functions

Cos( Radians )
Cot( Radians )
Sin( Radians )
Tan( Radians )

  • Radians - Required. Angle to operate on.

Cos( SingleColumnTable )
Cot( SingleColumnTable )
Sin( SingleColumnTable )
Tan( SingleColumnTable )

  • SingleColumnTable - Required. A single-column table of angles to operate on.

Inverse Functions

Acos( Number )
Acot( Number )
Asin( Number )
Atan( Number )

  • Number - Required. Number to operate on.

Acos( SingleColumnTable )
Acot( SingleColumnTable )
Asin( SingleColumnTable )
Atan( SingleColumnTable )

  • SingleColumnTable - Required. A single-column table of numbers to operate on.

Atan2( X, Y )

  • X - Required. X-axis coordinate.
  • Y - Required. Y-axis coordinate.

Helper Functions

Degrees( Radians )

  • Radians - Required. Angle in radians to convert to degrees.


Radians( Degrees )

  • Degrees - Required. Angle in degrees to convert to radians.


Single number

Formula Description Result
Cos( 1.047197 ) Returns the cosine of 1.047197 radians or 60 degrees. 0.5
Cot( Pi()/4 ) Returns the cotangent of 0.785398... radians or 45 degrees. 1
Sin( Pi()/2 ) Returns the sine of 1.570796... radians or 90 degrees. 1
Tan( Radians(60) ) Returns the tangent of 1.047197... radians or 60 degrees. 1.732050...
Acos( 0.5 ) Returns the arccosine of 0.5, in radians. 1.047197...
Acot( 1 ) Returns the arccotangent of 1, in radians. 0.785398...
Asin( 1 ) Returns the arcsine of 1, in radians. 1.570796...
Atan( 1.732050 ) Returns the arctangent of 1.732050, in radians. 1.047197...
Atan2( 5, 3 ) Returns the arctangent of the angle from the x-axis of the line that contains the origin (0,0) and the coordinate (5,3), which is approximately 31 degrees. 0.540419...
Atan2( 4, 4 ) Returns the arctangent of the angle from the x-axis of the line that contains the origin (0,0) and the coordinate (4,4), which is exactly π/4 radians or 45 degrees. 0.785398...
Degrees( 1.047197 ) Returns the equivalent number of degrees for 1.047197 radians. 60
Pi() Returns the transcendental number π. 3.141592...
Radians( 15 ) Returns the equivalent number of radians for 15 degrees. 0.261799...

Single-column table

The examples in this section use a data source that's named ValueTable and that contains the following data. The last record in the table is π/2 radians or 90 degrees.

Formula Description Result
Cos( ValueTable ) Returns the cosine of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.877582..., -0.416146..., 0
Cot( ValueTable ) Returns the cotangent of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 1.830487..., 0.457657..., 0
Sin( ValueTable ) Returns the sine of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.479425, -0.909297..., 1
Tan( ValueTable ) Returns the tangent of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.546302..., 2.185039..., 3060023.306952...
Acos( ValueTable ) Returns the arccosine of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 1.047197..., Blank(), Blank()
Acot( ValueTable ) Returns the arccotangent of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 1.107138..., 2.677945..., 0.566911...
Asin( ValueTable ) Returns the arcsine of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.523598..., Blank(), Blank()
Atan( ValueTable ) Returns the arctangent of each number in the table. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.463647..., -1.107148..., 1.00388...
Degrees( ValueTable ) Returns the equivalent number of degrees for each number in the table, assumed to be angles in radians. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 28.647889..., -114.591559..., 90
Radians( ValueTable ) Returns the equivalent number of radians for each number in the table, assumed to be angles in degrees. A single-column table with a Value column containing the following values: 0.008726..., -0.034906..., 0.027415...