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Dec2Hex and Hex2Dec functions

Applies to: Canvas apps Dataverse low-code plug-ins Desktop flows Model-driven apps Power Pages Power Platform CLI

Convert between hexadecimal text strings and numbers.


Use the Dec2Hex function to convert a number to a hexadecimal text string. Dec2Hex emits the characters 0 through 9 and upper case characters A through F; use the Lower function to convert the result to lower case if desired. Dec2Hex truncates the input number to a whole number as if the Trunc function has been applied first. Use Places to pad a positive number with leading 0s (zeros) and limit the length of the output; Places is ignored if the input is negative.

Use the Hex2Dec function to convert a text string containing hexadecimal digits (0 through 9 and A through F) to a number. Upper and lower case characters are accepted. No more than 10 hexadecimal characters can be passed to Hex2Dec.

Both these functions work with a 40 bit, two's-complement, whole number. The range of accepted values for both functions is hexadecimal 8000000000 or decimal -549755813888 to hexadecimal 7FFFFFFFFF or decimal 549755813887.

If you pass a single number or text string to these functions, the return value is a single result. If you pass a single-column table the return value is a single-column table of results, one result for each record in the argument's table. If you have a multi-column table, you can shape it into a single-column table, as working with tables describes.

If the input value is out of range or includes invalid hexadecimal characters, an ErrorKind.Numeric error is returned. If the input was a single column table, the error is embedded in the output table.


Dec2Hex( Number [, Places] )

  • Number - Required. Number to convert to hexadecimal.
  • Places - Optional. The number of characters to use if the number is positive. If Places is omitted, Dec2Hex uses the minimum number of characters necessary. If this parameter is provided, and the result doesn't fit in the space provided, an ErrorKind.Numeric error is returned. Places is ignored if the number to convert is negative.

Hex2Dec( HexString )

  • HexString - Required. String of hexadecimal digits to convert to a number.


Basic usage of Hex2Dec

Formula Result
Hex2Dec( "A5" ) 165
Hex2Dec( "FFFFFFFF5B") -165
Hex2Dec( "c8d" ) 3213
Hex2Dec( "fffffff373" ) -3213
Hex2Dec( "ffffffffff" ) -1
Hex2Dec( "ffffffffffff" ) error (out of range)
Hex2Dec( "43j" ) error (invalid hexadecimal character)
Hex2Dec( [ "A", "12", "FFFF" ] ) [ 10, 18, 65535 ]
Hex2Dec( [ "3", "E", "I", "B" ] ) [ 3, 14, error (invalid hexadecimal character), 11 ]

Basic usage of Dec2Hex

Formula Result
Dec2Hex( 165 ) "A5"
Dec2Hex( -165 ) "FFFFFFFF5B"
Dec2Hex( 3213 ) "c8d"
Dec2Hex( -3213 ) "FFFFFFF373"
Dec2Hex( -1 ) "FFFFFFFFFF"
Dec2Hex( 3.74 ) "3"
Dec2Hex( -3.74 ) "FFFFFFFFFD"
Dec2Hex( [ 10, 255, -16 ] ) [ "A", "FF", "FFFFFFFFF0" ]
Dec2Hex( 1e45 ) error (out of range)
Dec2Hex( [ 1, 1e-45, 1e45, 2 ] ) [ "1", "0", error (out of range), "2" ]

Basic usage of Dec2Hex with Places argument

Formula Result
Dec2Hex( 45780 ) "B2D4"
Dec2Hex( 45780, 4 ) "B2D4"
Dec2Hex( 45780, 5 ) "0B2D4"
Dec2Hex( 45780, 6 ) "00B2D4"
Dec2Hex( 45780, 3 ) error (not enough space)
Dec2Hex( 45780, 11 ) error (out of range)
Dec2Hex( -45780 ) "FFFFFF4D2C"
Dec2Hex( -45780, 4 ) "FFFFFF4D2C"
Dec2Hex( -45780, 6 ) "FFFFFF4D2C"
Dec2Hex( -45780, 10 ) "FFFFFF4D2C"
Dec2Hex( -45780, 11 ) error (out of range)

Basic usage of Dec2Hex with single column tables and Places argument

Formula Result
Dec2Hex( [ 10, 255, -16 ], [ 1, 2, 3 ] ) [ "A", "FF", "FFFFFFFFF0" ]
Dec2Hex( [ 10, 255, -16 ], 4 ) [ "000A", "00FF", "FFFFFFFFF0" ]
Dec2Hex( 255, [0, 1, 2, 3] ) [ error (not enough space), error (not enough space), "FF", "0FF" ]