
გაზიარება არხიდან:

Check for analysis status

A URL is returned as part of the Location header in response to a request to the analyze API. It is to be used to query via HTTP GET for the analysis job's status. When the analysis job is finished the response body will include the URL or list of URLs in which the results output can be downloaded. Keep calling this URI until an HTTP status code of 200 is returned. While the job is still running, an HTTP status code of 202 will be returned with the Location header containing this same URI that was returned from analyze. Once a 200 response is returned, the resultFileUris property will include the single or list of downloadable locations of the output, which is contained in a zip file. A Static Analysis Results Interchange Format (SARIF) V2 formatted file is included within this zip download that is a JSON formatted file containing the results of the analysis. The response body will contain an IssueSummary object that contains a summary of the count of issues found.


It is recommended to wait between 15 to 60 seconds between status checks. Analysis usually takes between 1 to 5 minutes to run.
This API does require an OAuth token that must be a token for the same client application that initiated the analysis job.


Name Type Expected value Required?
Authorization string The OAuth 1 bearer token with Microsoft Entra Application ID claim. yes
x-ms-tenant-id GUID The ID of the tenant for the application. yes
x-ms-correlation-id GUID The identifier for the analysis run. You should provide the same Id for the entire execution (upload, analyze, status) yes

Expected responses

HTTP status code Scenario Result
200 One or more results were found See the example below. One result will be returned.
202 Still processing See the example below. One result will be returned.
403 Forbidden The requestor is not the same as the originator of the request for analysis.
404 Not found Unable to find the analysis request with the reference provided in the URL.

Expected response headers

Name Type Expected value Required?
Location uri URI to use in querying for the current status and to obtain the results yes

Expected response body

The following table outlines the structure of the response for each request (HTTP 200 or 202 response only).

Property Type Expected value Required?
privacyPolicy string The URI of the privacy policy. Yes
progress int A value ranging from 0-100 percentage complete, where 10 means that processing is approximately 10% complete. Yes
runCorrelationId GUID The request identifier that is included in each request. This can be used to correlate to the request, if needed. Yes
status string InProgress is returned when the job is still being processed. Failed is returned when there was a catastrophic issue processing the job on the server. There should be more details in the error property. Finished is returned when the job has completed successfully without issues. FinishedWithErrors is returned when the job has completed successfully, however, one or more rules failed to complete without error. This is purely a signal for you to know that the report may not be complete. Microsoft is aware of these issues in the backend and will work to get things diagnosed and addressed. Yes
resultFileUris array of strings A list of URIs that allow for direct download of the output. There should be one per file that was included in the original analyze API call. No. This is only included when processing has completed.
issueSummary IssueSummary Properties listed below No. This is only included when processing has completed.
issueSummary.criticalIssueCount int Count of issues identified having a critical severity in the result Yes
issueSummary.highIssueCount int Count of issues identified having a high severity in the result Yes
issueSummary.mediumIssueCount int Count of issues identified having a medium severity in the result Yes
issueSummary.lowIssueCount int Count of issues identified having a low severity in the result Yes
issueSummary.informationalIssueCount int Count of issues identified having an informational severity in the result Yes

Example: status check when done

This example issues a status check call with the result being a completion.


GET [Geographical URI]/api/status/aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd&api-version=1.0
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
x-ms-correlation-id: aaaa0000-bb11-2222-33cc-444444dddddd
x-ms-tenant-id: aaaabbbb-0000-cccc-1111-dddd2222eeee


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8


See also

Use the Power Apps checker web API
Retrieve the list of rulesets
Retrieve the list of rules
Upload a file
Invoke analysis