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Explore OneLake events in Fabric Real-Time hub (preview)

OneLake events inform you about changes in your data lake, such as the creation, modification, or deletion of files and folders.

Real-Time Hub enables you to discover and subscribe to these changes within OneLake, allowing you to react instantly. For instance, you can monitor changes in Lakehouse files and folders and utilize Data Activator's alerting capabilities to set up alerts based on specific conditions and define actions to take when those conditions are met. This article guides you on how to explore OneLake events using the Real-Time Hub


Consuming Fabric and Azure events via Eventstream or Fabric Activator isn't supported if the capacity region of the Eventstream or Activator is in the following regions: West India, Israel Central, Korea Central, Qatar Central, Singapore, UAE Central, Spain Central, Brazil Southeast, Central US, South Central US, West US 2, West US 3.

View OneLake events detail page

  1. In Real-Time hub, select Fabric events.

  2. Select OneLake events from the list.

    Screenshot that shows the selection of OneLake events on the Fabric events page.

  3. You should see the detail view for OneLake events.

    Screenshot that shows the detail page for OneLake events.


At the top of the detail page, you see the following two actions.

  • Create eventstream, which lets you create an eventstream based on events from the selected OneLake item.

  • Set alert, which lets you set an alert when an operation is done for a OneLake item, such as a new file is created.

    Screenshot that shows actions on the OneLake events detail page.

    These actions are also available in the Fabric events list view.

See what's using this category

This section shows the artifacts using OneLake events. Here are the columns and their descriptions:

Column Description
Name Name of the artifact that's using OneLake events.
Type Artifact type – Data Activator or Eventstream
Workspace Workspace where the artifact lives.
Source Name of the workspace that is source of the events.

OneLake events profile

Screenshot that shows the Profile section of the OneLake events detail page.

Event types

Here are the supported OneLake events:

Event type name Description
Microsoft.Fabric.OneLake.FileCreated Raised when a file is created or replaced in OneLake.
Microsoft. Fabric.OneLake.FileDeleted Raised when a file is deleted in OneLake.
Microsoft. Fabric.OneLake.FileRenamed Raised when a file is renamed in OneLake.
Microsoft.Fabric.OneLake.FolderCreated Raised created when a folder is created in OneLake.
Microsoft. Fabric.OneLake.FolderDeleted Raised when a folder is deleted in OneLake.
Microsoft. Fabric.OneLake.FolderRenamed Raised when a folder is renamed in OneLake.


An event has the following top-level data:

Property Type Description Example
source string Identifies the context in which an event happened. /aaaaaaaa-0000-1111-2222-bbbbbbbbbbbb/workspaces/bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc/items/cccccccc-2222-3333-4444-dddddddddddd
subject string Identifies the subject of the event in the context of the event producer. /Files/FolderA/FileName.txt
type string One of the registered event types for this event source. Microsoft.Fabric.OneLake.FileCreated
time timestamp The time the event is generated based on the provider's UTC time. 2017-06-26T18:41:00.9584103Z
id string Unique identifier for the event. bbbbbbbb-1111-2222-3333-cccccccccccc
data object Event data. See the next table for details.
dataschemaversion string The version of the data schema. 1.0
specversion string The version of the Cloud Event spec. 1.0

The data object has the following properties:

Property Type Description Example
eTag string The value that you can use to run operations conditionally. "\"0x8D4BCC2E4835CD0\"
contentLength string Size of the file in bytes. 0
contentType string Content type specified for the file. text/plain
blobUrl string Blob URL to the path of the file. https://onelake.blob.fabric.microsoft.com/55556666-ffff-7777-aaaa-8888bbbb9999 < 66667777-aaaa-8888-bbbb-9999cccc0000/Files/FolderA/File1.txt
url string OneLake URL to the path of the file. https://onelake.dfs.fabric.microsoft.com/eeeeeeee-4444-5555-6666-ffffffffffff < aaaaaaaa-6666-7777-8888-bbbbbbbbbbbb/Files/FolderA/File1.txt
api string The operation that triggered the event. CreateFile
clientRequestId string A client-provided request ID for the storage API operation. 00001111-aaaa-2222-bbbb-3333cccc4444
requestId string Service-generated request ID for the storage API operation. 11112222-bbbb-3333-cccc-4444dddd5555
contentOffset number The offset in bytes of a write operation taken at the point where the event-triggering application completed writing to the file. 0
sequencer string An opaque string value representing the logical sequence of events. 00000000000004420000000000028963