Copy content to another locale
This article describes how to copy existing content to another locale within a site in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Commerce site builder.
When you create content in Commerce site builder, it's always associated with a locale identifier, such as "en-us." You can copy individual pages and assets to a different locale within the same e-commerce site by switching the locale when you edit a content item and then creating a new variant of the item. In some cases, such as when you're launching an entirely new locale on your storefront, it makes sense to duplicate all the content items in an existing locale to the new locale. If the new locale has the same base language as one of the existing locales, you can use the existing locale as the source locale for the locale copy operation. (For example, the "en-us" and "en-au" locales both use the English language.) In this way, you help reduce the effort that is required to localize the content in the new locale.
The following procedures explain how to add a new locale to an existing channel, copy all the content items from an existing locale to a new locale, and monitor the status of a locale copy operation.
Add a new locale
To add a new locale in Commerce site builder, follow these steps.
- In site builder, go to your site.
- In the left navigation pane, select Site settings, and then select Channels.
- Under Channel, select the channel to add the new locale to.
- In the channel dialog box that appears on the right, select Add a locale.
- In the Add a locale dialog box, in the Locale to support field, select a locale.
- Confirm that the Domain value is correct.
- Under Path, enter a unique URL path (for example, en-us or english-us).
- Select OK.
- Close the channel dialog box.
- Under Channel, confirm that the new locale is listed next to the correct channel.
- Select Save and publish.
Before the new locale can be configured in site builder, it must be added to the associated online store channel in Commerce headquarters.
Copy all content items to a new locale
To copy all content items to a new locale in Commerce site builder, follow these steps.
- In site builder, go to your site.
- In the left navigation pane, select Site settings, and then select Channels.
- On the command bar, select Create locale copy from.
- In the Create locale copy dialog box that appears on the right, under Source site, confirm that the correct site is selected.
- In the Source channel field, select the source channel.
- In the Destination channel field, select the same source channel.
- In the Source locale field, select the source locale.
- In the Destination locale field, select the new locale.
- Select Copy locale. A notification confirms that the locale copy operation has started.
You can also copy content between different channels.
Monitor the status of the locale copy
To monitor the status of a locale copy operation, follow these steps.
- In site builder, go to your site.
- In the left navigation pane, select Site settings, and then select Jobs.
- Under Current jobs, select the job to monitor. Job details are shown in the dialog box that appears on the right.
Delete a locale
To delete a locale and all the contents in that locale, follow these steps.
- In site builder, go to your site.
- In the left navigation pane, select Site settings, and then select Channels.
- Under Channel, select the name of the channel from which you want to delete a locale.
- On the channel properties pane on the right, under Locale-domain mappings, select the vertical ellipsis next to the locale you want to delete, and then select Delete.
- In the confirmation dialog box, ensure that the information is correct, and then select Delete locale.