Tutorials for getting started with .NET
The following step-by-step tutorials run on Windows, Linux, or macOS, except as noted.
Tutorials for creating apps
- Create a console app
- using Visual Studio Code
- using Visual Studio (Windows)
- Create a web app
- Create a web API
- Create a remote procedure call web app
- Create a real-time web app
- Create a serverless function in the cloud
- Build your first multi-platform app using .NET MAUI
- Create a Windows desktop app
- Create a game using Unity
- Create a Windows service
Tutorials for creating class libraries
- Create a class library
- using Visual Studio Code
- using Visual Studio (Windows)
Resources for learning .NET languages
Other get-started resources
The following resources are for getting started with developing .NET apps but aren't step-by-step tutorials:
Next steps
To learn more about .NET, see Introduction to .NET.
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