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Controlling .NET Framework Logging

You can use event tracing for Windows (ETW) to record common language runtime (CLR) events. You can create and view traces by using the following tools:

To capture CLR event information, the CLR provider must be installed on your computer. To confirm that the provider is installed, type logman query providers at the command prompt. A list of providers is displayed. This list should contain an entry for the CLR provider, as follows.

Provider                                 GUID
.NET Common Language Runtime    {E13C0D23-CCBC-4E12-931B-D9CC2EEE27E4}.

If the CLR provider is not listed, you can install it on Windows Vista and later operating systems by using the Windows Wevtutil command-line tool. Open the Command Prompt window as an administrator. Change the prompt directory to the .NET Framework 4 folder (%WINDIR%\Microsoft.NET\Framework[64]\v4.<.NET version>\ ). This folder contains the CLR-ETW.man file. At the command prompt, type the following command to install the CLR provider:

wevtutil im CLR-ETW.man

Capturing CLR ETW Events

You can use the Logman and Xperf command-line tools to capture ETW events, and the Tracerpt and Xperf tools to decode the trace events.

To turn on logging, a user must specify three things:

  • The provider to communicate to.

  • A 64-bit number that represents a set of keywords. Each keyword represents a set of events that the provider can turn on. The number represents a combined set of keywords to turn on.

  • A small number representing the level (verbosity) to log at. Level 1 is the least verbose, and level 5 is the most verbose. Level 0 is a default whose meaning is provider-specific.

To capture CLR ETW events using Logman

  1. At the command prompt, type:

    logman start clrevents -p {e13c0d23-ccbc-4e12-931b-d9cc2eee27e4} 0x1CCBD 0x5 -ets -ct perf


    • The -p parameter identifies the provider GUID.

    • 0x1CCBD specifies the categories of events that will be raised.

    • 0x5 sets the level of logging (in this case, verbose (5)).

    • The -ets parameter instructs Logman to send commands to event tracing sessions.

    • The -ct perf parameter specifies that the QueryPerformanceCounter function will be used to log the time stamp for each event.

  2. To stop logging the events, type:

    logman stop clrevents -ets

    This command creates a binary trace file named clrevents.etl.

To capture CLR ETW events using Xperf

  1. At the command prompt, type:

    xperf -start clr -on e13c0d23-ccbc-4e12-931b-d9cc2eee27e4:0x1CCBD:5 -f clrevents.etl

    where the GUID is the CLR ETW provider GUID, and 0x1CCBD:5 traces everything at and below level 5 (verbose).

  2. To stop tracing, type:

    Xperf -stop clr

    This command creates a trace file named clrevents.etl.

Viewing CLR ETW Events

Use the commands listed below to view the CLR ETW events. For a description of the events, see CLR ETW Events.

To view CLR ETW events using Tracerpt

  • At the command prompt, type:

    tracerpt clrevents.etl

    This command creates two files: dumpfile.xml and summary.txt. The dumpfile.xml file lists all the events, and summary.txt provides a summary of the events.

To view CLR ETW events using Xperf

  • At the command prompt, type:

    xperf clrevents.etl

    This command opens the Xperf ETL file viewer. In this viewer, the CLR events show up in the Generic Events view. To display a data grid of events categorized by type, select a region of time in this view, and then right-click and select Summary.

To convert the .etl file to a comma-separated value file

  • At the command prompt, type:

    xperf -i clrevents.etl -f clrevents.csv

    This command causes XPerf to dump the events as a comma separated value (CSV) file that you can view. Because different events have different fields, this CSV file is contains more than one header line before the data. The first field of every line is the event type, which indicates which header should be used to determine the rest of the fields.

See also