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.NET Framework development guide

This section explains how to create, configure, debug, secure, and deploy your .NET Framework apps. The section also provides information about technology areas such as dynamic programming, interoperability, extensibility, memory management, and threading.

In this section

Data and modeling Provides information about how to access data using ADO.NET, Language Integrated Query (LINQ), WCF Data Services, and XML.

Client applications Explains how to create Windows-based apps by using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) or Windows Forms.

Web applications with ASP.NET Provides links to information about using ASP.NET to build enterprise-class web apps with a minimum of coding.

Service-Oriented Applications with WCF Describes how to use Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) to build service-oriented apps that are secure and reliable.

Building workflows with Windows Workflow Foundation Provides information about the programming model, samples, and tools for using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF).

Windows service applications Explains how you can use Visual Studio and the .NET Framework to create an app that is installed as a service, and start, stop, and otherwise control its behavior.

Parallel Processing in .NET Provides information about parallel programming.

Concurrency in .NET Provides information about managed threading.

Async programming patterns in .NET Provides information about asynchronous programming design patterns.

Network programming in the .NET Describes the layered, extensible, and managed implementation of Internet services that you can quickly and easily integrate into your apps.

Configuring .NET Framework apps Explains how you can use configuration files to change settings without having to recompile your .NET Framework apps.

Security Provides information about the classes and services in the .NET Framework that facilitate secure app development.

Debugging, Tracing, and Profiling Explains how to test, optimize, and profile .NET Framework apps and the app environment. This section includes information for administrators as well as developers.

Developing for multiple platforms Provides information about how you can use the .NET Framework to build assemblies that can be shared across multiple platforms and multiple devices such as phones, desktop, and web.

Deployment Explains how to package and distribute your .NET Framework app, and includes deployment guides for both developers and administrators.

Performance Provides information about caching, lazy initialization, reliability, and ETW events.


.NET Framework class library Supplies syntax, code examples, and usage information for each class that is contained in the .NET Framework namespaces.

Get started Provides a comprehensive overview of the .NET Framework and links to additional resources.

What's new Describes key new features and changes in the latest version of the .NET Framework. Includes lists of new and obsolete types and members, and provides a guide for migrating your apps from the previous version of the .NET Framework.

Tools Describes the tools that help you develop, configure, and deploy apps by using .NET Framework technologies.

.NET samples and tutorials Provides links to samples and tutorials that help you learn about .NET.