Learn .NET and the .NET SDK tools by exploring these tutorials
The following tutorials show how to develop console apps and libraries for .NET Core, .NET 5, and later versions. For other types of applications, see Tutorials for getting started with .NET.
Use Visual Studio
- Create a console app
- Debug an app
- Publish an app
- Create a class library
- Unit test a class library
- Install and use a package
- Create and publish a package
- Create an F# console app
Use Visual Studio Code
Choose these tutorials if you want to use Visual Studio Code or some other code editor. All of them use the CLI for .NET Core development tasks, so all except the debugging tutorial can be used with any code editor.
- Create a console app
- Debug an app
- Publish an app
- Create a class library
- Unit test a class library
- Install and use a package
- Create and publish a package
- Create an F# console app
Advanced articles
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