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Troubleshooting NGINXaaS integration with Azure

You can get support for your NGINXaaS deployment through a New Support request. The procedure for creating the request is here. In addition, we have included other troubleshooting for problems you might experience in creating and using an NGINXaaS deployment.

Getting support

  1. To contact support about an NGINXaaS resource, select the resource in the Resource menu.

  2. Select the New Support request in Resource menu on the left.

  3. Select Raise a support ticket and fill out the details.

    Screenshot of a new NGINXaaS support ticket.


Marketplace purchase errors

  • The Microsoft.SaaS RP is not registered on the Azure subscription.

  • Plan cannot be purchased on a free subscription, please upgrade your account.

  • Purchase has failed because we couldn't find a valid payment method associated with your Azure subscription.

  • The Publisher does not make available Offer, Plan in your Subscription/Azure account’s region.

    • The offer or the specific plan isn't available to the billing account market that is connected to the Azure Subscription.
  • Enrollment for Azure Marketplace is set to Free/BYOL SKUs only, purchase for Azure product is not allowed. Please contact your enrollment administrator to change EA settings.

  • Marketplace is not enabled for the Azure subscription.

  • Plan by publisher is not available to you for purchase due to private marketplace settings made by your tenant’s IT administrator.

    • Customer uses private marketplace to limit the access of its organization to specific offers and plans. The specific offer or the plan weren't set up to be available in the tenant's private marketplace. Contact your tenant’s IT administrator.
  • The EA subscription doesn't allow Marketplace purchases.

    • Use a different subscription or check if your EA subscription is enabled for Marketplace purchase. For more information, see Enable Marketplace purchases.

Unable to create an NGINXaaS resource as not a subscription owner

The NGINXaaS integration can only be set up by users who have Owner access on the Azure subscription. Ensure you have the appropriate Owner access before starting to set up this integration.

Next steps