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Azure Data Box: Frequently Asked Questions

The Azure Data Box and Azure Data Box Heavy hybrid solution enables you to send terabytes of data to Azure in a quick, inexpensive, and reliable way using a transfer device. This FAQ contains questions and answers that you may have when you use Data Box in the Azure portal. Sections with tabs have some questions that apply to Data Box only and Data Box Heavy only.

About the service

What is Azure Data Box service?

Azure Data Box service is designed for offline data ingestion. This service manages an array of products of differing storage capacities, all tailored for data transport.

What is Azure Data Box?

The Azure Data Box allows a quick, inexpensive, and secure transfer of terabytes of data into Azure. You order the Data Box device via the Azure portal. Microsoft ships you a storage device through a regional carrier.

Which Data Box model should I use?

If you have 40 - 500 TB of data that you want to transfer to or from Azure, you would benefit from using Data Box. For data sizes < 40 TB, use Data Box Disk, and for data sizes > 500 TB, sign up for Data Box Heavy.

What is the price of Data Box?

Data Box is available at a nominal charge for 10 days. When you select the product model while creating an order in the Azure portal, the charges for the device are displayed. Standard shipping charges and charges for Azure storage also apply. Export orders follow a similar pricing model as for import orders, though additional egress charges may apply.

For more information, go to Azure Data Box pricing and Azure Data Box Heavy pricing. For egress charges, see Bandwidth pricing.

Does Data Box store any customer data outside the service region?

No. Data Box does not store any customer data outside of the service region. The customer has full ownership of their data. They can save the data to a specified location based on the storage account they select during the order creation.

In addition to the customer data, there is Data Box data that includes security artifacts related to the device, monitoring logs for the device and the service, and service-related metadata. In all regions (except Brazil South, Southeast Asia, and East Asia), Data Box data is stored and replicated in the paired region via a Geo-redundant Storage account to protect against data loss.

Due to data residency requirements in Brazil South, Southeast Asia, and East Asia, Data Box data is stored in a Zone-redundant Storage (ZRS) account so that it is contained in a single region. For Southeast Asia, all the Data Box data is stored in Singapore. For Brazil South, the data is stored in Brazil. For East Asia, the data is stored in Hong Kong SAR.

If there is a service outage in Brazil South, Southeast Asia, or East Asia, the customers can create new orders from another region. The new orders will be served from the region in which they are created and the customers are responsible for the to and fro shipment of the Data Box device.

Does my Data Box region have to be in the same Azure region as my destination storage account?

No. The Data Box resource does not need to be the same as the storage account region where you want to transfer data. You can choose a storage account in any region within the country/region or commerce boundary selected during the order. The Data Box region is only used to deploy the resource during order creation. This is fixed for each country/region or commerce boundary and cannot be changed.

How can I recover my data if an entire region fails?

In extreme circumstances where a region is lost because of a significant disaster, Microsoft may initiate a regional failover. No action on your part is required in this case. Your order will be fulfilled through the failover region if it is within the same country/region or commerce boundary. However, some Azure regions don't have a paired region in the same geographic or commerce boundary. If there is a disaster in any of those regions, you will need to create the Data Box order again from a different region that is available, and copy the data to Azure in the new region. For more information, see Business continuity and disaster recovery (BCDR): Azure Paired Regions.

Who should I contact if I come across any issues with Data Box?

If you come across any issues with Data Box, contact Microsoft Support.

I lost my Data Box. Is there a lost device charge?

Yes. There is a charge for a lost or damaged device. This charge is covered on the Pricing page and in the Product Terms of Service. Scroll down to "Frequently asked questions" for the product and look for "Lost device fee."

Order device

I couldn't create a Data Box/Data Box Heavy order in the Azure portal. Why?

If you can't create a Data Box or Data Box Heavy order, there's a problem with either your subscription type or access.

Check your subscription. Data Box is only available for Enterprise Agreement (EA) and Cloud solution provider (CSP) subscription offers. If you don't have either of these subscription types, contact Microsoft Support to upgrade your subscription.

If you have a supported offer type for the subscription, check your subscription access level. You need to be a contributor or owner in your subscription to create an order.

I ordered a couple of Data Box devices. I can't create any additional orders. Why?

We allow a maximum of five active orders per subscription per commerce boundary (combination of country/region and region selected) for any Data Box product. You can have five active Data Box orders and five active Data Box Heavy orders. If you need to order an additional device, contact Microsoft Support to increase the limit for your subscription.

When I try to create an order, I receive a notification that the Data Box service is not available. What does this mean?

The Data Box service isn't available for the combination of country/region and region you selected for the selected product - either Data Box or Data Box Heavy. Changing this combination would likely allow you to avail of the Data Box service. For a list of the regions where the service is available, go to Region availability for Data Box or Region availability for Data Box Heavy.

My Data Box is dispatched, but now I want to cancel this order. Why is the cancel button not available?

You can only cancel the order after the Data Box is ordered and before the order is processed. Once the Data Box order is processed, you can no longer cancel the order.

I have filled up my Data Box with data and need to order another one. Is there a way to quickly place the order?

You can clone your previous order. Cloning creates the same order as before and allows you to edit order details only without the need to type in address, contact, and notification details. Cloning is allowed only for import orders. For more information, see Clone an order.

Connect and copy

How do I unlock the Data Box?

In the Azure portal, go to your Data Box order, and navigate to Device details. Copy the unlock password. Use this password to log into the local web UI on your Data Box. For more information, go to Tutorial: Unpack, cable, connect your Azure Data Box.

Can I use a Linux host computer to connect and copy the data on to the Data Box?

Yes. You can use Data Box to connect to SMB and NFS clients. For more information, go to the list of Supported operating systems for Data Box or Supported operating systems for Data Box Heavy.

Can I connect a Data Box to multiple host computers to transfer data at the same time?

Yes. Multiple host computers can connect to Data Box to transfer data and multiple copy jobs can be run in parallel. For more information, go to Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box or Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box Heavy.

Can I connect to both of the 10-GbE interfaces on the Data Box to transfer data?

Yes. Both of the 10-GbE interfaces can be connected on the Data Box to copy data at the same time. For more information on how to copy data, go to Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box or Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box Heavy.

I can't access the Data Box unlock password in the Azure portal. Why?

If you aren't able to access the unlock password in the Azure portal, check the permissions on your subscription and storage account. Ensure that you have contributor or owner permission at resource group level. You need to have at least Data Box Operator role permission to see the access credentials.

Is port channel configuration supported on Data Box? How about MPIO?

We don't support port channel configuration, Multipath IO (MPIO) configuration, or vLAN configuration on Data Box.

When do the automatically generated self-signed certificates on my device expire?

The automatically generated self-signed certificates expire after 12 months, and the device can no longer be used. You're notified 3 months before the certificates expire. To avoid data loss, return the device at least 1 month before certificate expiration so all data can be ingested in the datacenter before the certificates expire.

How do I verify the data I copied onto my Data Box?

After the data copy is complete, when you run Prepare to ship, your data is validated. Data Box generates a list of files and checksums for the data during the validation process. You can download the list of files and verify the list against the files in the source data. For more information, go to Prepare to ship.

Track status

How do I track the Data Box from when I placed the order to shipping the device back?

You can track the status of the Data Box order in the Azure portal. When you create the order, you are prompted to provide a notification email. If you provided one, you're notified via email of all status changes for the order.

More information on how to Configure notification emails.

Migrate data

What is the maximum data size that can be used with Data Box?

Data Box has a usable storage capacity of 80 TB. You can use a single Data Box device for data that ranges in size from 40 TB - 80 TB. For larger data sizes up to 500 TB, you can order multiple Data Box devices. For data sizes exceeding 500 TB, sign up for Data Box Heavy.

What are the maximum block blob and page blob sizes supported by Data Box?

The maximum sizes are governed by Azure Storage limits. The maximum block blob is roughly 4.768 TiB and the maximum page blob size is 8 TiB. For more information, see Scalability and performance targets for Blob storage.

How do I know that my data is secure during transit?

There are multiple security features implemented to ensure that your Data Box is secure during transit. Some of these include tamper-evident seals, hardware and software tampering detection, and a device unlock password. For more information, go to Azure Data Box security and data protection.

How do I copy the data to the Data Box?

If using an SMB client, you can use an SMB copy tool such as Robocopy, Diskboss, or even Windows File Explorer drag-and-drop to copy data onto the device.

If using an NFS client, you can use rsync, FreeFileSync, Unison, or Ultracopier.

For more information, go to Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box or Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box Heavy.

Are there any tips to speed up the data copy?

To speed up the copy process:

  • Use multiple streams of data copy. For instance, with Robocopy, use the multithreaded option. For more information on the exact command used, go to Tutorial: Copy data to Azure Data Box and verify.

  • Use multiple sessions.

  • Instead of copying over a network share (where network speeds can limit copy speed), store the data locally on the computer to which the Data Box is connected.

  • Benchmark the performance of the computer used to copy the data. Download and use the Bluestop FIO tool to benchmark the performance of the server hardware. Select the latest x86 or x64 build, select the Artifacts tab, and download the MSI.

Can I use Data Box to import data to a storage account with private endpoints configured?

Yes. You can import data to a storage account that has private endpoint connections enabled. To let the Data Box service import the data, select "Allow trusted Microsoft services to access this storage account" under the Networking section of the storage account.

Can I use multiple storage accounts with Data Box?

Yes. A maximum of 10 storage accounts, general purpose, classic, or blob storage are supported with Data Box. Both hot and cool blob are supported.


Classic storage accounts will not be supported starting August 1, 2023.

Ship device

Will my Data Box devices cross country/region borders during shipping?

All Data Box devices are shipped from within the same country/region as their destination and will not cross any international borders. The only exception is for orders in the European Union (EU), where devices can ship to and from any EU country/region. This policy applies to both Data Box and Data Box Heavy devices.

How is my data protected during transit?

During transit, the following features on the Data Box help protect the data.

  • The Data Box disks are encrypted with AES 256-bit encryption.
  • The device is locked and needs an unlock password to enter and access data. For more information, go to Data Box security features.

I finished Prepare to Ship for my import order and shut down the device. Can I still add more data to the Data Box?

Yes. You can turn on the device and add more data. You'll need to run Prepare to Ship again once you have completed the data copy.

Verify and upload

How soon can I access my data in Azure once I've shipped the Data Box back?

Once the order status for Data Copy shows as Complete, you can access your data right away.

Where is my data located in Azure after the upload?

When you copy the data to Data Box, depending on whether the data is block blob or page blob or Azure files, the data is uploaded to one of the following paths in your Azure Storage account:

  • https://<storage_account_name>.blob.core.windows.net/<containername>
  • https://<storage_account_name>.file.core.windows.net/<sharename>

Alternatively, you could go to your Azure storage account in the Azure portal and navigate from there.

I just noticed that I did not follow the Azure naming requirements for my containers. Will my data fail to upload to Azure?

If the container names have uppercase letters, those names are automatically converted to lowercase. If the names are not compliant in other ways (special characters, other languages, and so on), the upload will fail. For more guidance for naming shares, containers, and files, go to:

I was notified of copy errors during a data upload from my Data Box. What should I do?

When non-retryable data copy errors prevent any files in your import order from uploading to Azure, the errors are logged in the data copy log and you get a notification. You can't fix the errors. The upload has completed with errors. The notification is sent to make sure you know that the files didn't upload so you can fix any configuration errors before you try again. When you confirm that you're ready to proceed, the data will be secure erased from the device. If you don't respond, the order completes automatically after 14 days.

For error information and steps to proceed with your order, see Review copy errors in uploads from Azure Data Box and Azure Data Box Heavy devices.

I'm seeing date entries with "Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59" on some files. What does that mean?

If the CreateTime or LastWriteTime field for a file exceeds the allowable size during an upload, “Fri, 31 Dec 9999 23:59:59” replaces the original date in the Azure file property. The file upload succeeds, and no error is raised.

What happens to my data after I return the Data Box?

Once the data upload to Azure is complete, the data from the disks on the Data Box is securely erased as per the NIST SP 800-88 Revision 1 guidelines. For more information, go to Erasure of data from Data Box.

Audit report

How does Azure Data Box service help support customers’ chain of custody procedure?

Azure Data Box service natively provides reports that you can use for your chain of custody documentation. The audit and copy logs are available in your storage account in Azure and you can download the order history in the Azure portal after the order is complete.

What type of reporting is available to support chain of custody?

Following reporting is available to support chain of custody:

  • Transport logistics from UPS.
  • Logging of powering on and user share access.
  • BOM or manifest file with a 64-bit cyclic redundancy check (CRC-64) or checksum for each file ingested successfully into the Data Box.

Next steps