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Get started with Azure Cloud Shell using persistent storage

The first time you start Cloud Shell you have the choice to continue with or without storage. Creating a storage account allows you to create files that are persisted across sessions. This article shows you how to start Cloud Shell with a newly created storage account for persistent file storage.

Start Cloud Shell

  1. Sign into the Azure portal.

  2. Launch Cloud Shell from the top navigation of the Azure portal.

    Screenshot showing how to start Azure Cloud Shell in the Azure portal.

  3. The first time you start Cloud Shell you're prompted to which shell to use. Select Bash or PowerShell.

    Screenshot showing the prompt to select the shell.

  4. In the Getting started pane, select Mount storage account. Using the dropdown menu, select the subscription you want to use for Cloud Shell, then select the Apply button.

    Screenshot showing the select subscription and optional storage prompt.

  5. In the Mount storage account pane, select We will create a storage account for you. Select the Next button to create a new resource group and storage account.

    Screenshot showing the create storage account prompt.

Set your subscription

  1. List subscriptions you have access to.

    az account list
  2. Set your preferred subscription:

    az account set --subscription 'my-subscription-name'


Your subscription is remembered for future sessions using /home/<user>/.azure/azureProfile.json.

Get a list of Azure commands

Run the following command to see a list of all Azure CLI commands.


Run the following command to get a list of Azure CLI commands that apply to WebApps:

az webapp --help

Next steps