Manage Azure Content Delivery Network with PowerShell
Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic) will be retired on September 30, 2027. To avoid any service disruption, it's important that you migrate your Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic) profiles to Azure Front Door Standard or Premium tier by September 30, 2027. For more information, see Azure CDN Standard from Microsoft (classic) retirement.
Azure CDN from Edgio was retired on January 15, 2025. For more information, see Azure CDN from Edgio retirement FAQ.
PowerShell provides one of the most flexible methods to manage your Azure Content Delivery Network profiles and endpoints. You can use PowerShell interactively or by writing scripts to automate management tasks. This tutorial demonstrates several of the most common tasks you can accomplish with PowerShell to manage your Azure Content Delivery Network profiles and endpoints.
We recommend that you use the Azure Az PowerShell module to interact with Azure. To get started, see Install Azure PowerShell. To learn how to migrate to the Az PowerShell module, see Migrate Azure PowerShell from AzureRM to Az.
To use PowerShell to manage your Azure Content Delivery Network profiles and endpoints, you must have the Azure PowerShell module installed. To learn how to install Azure PowerShell and connect to Azure using the Connect-AzAccount
cmdlet, see How to install and configure Azure PowerShell.
You must log in with Connect-AzAccount
before you can execute Azure PowerShell cmdlets.
You can list all the Azure Content Delivery Network cmdlets using the Get-Command
PS C:\> Get-Command -Module Az.Cdn
CommandType Name Version Source
----------- ---- ------- ------
Cmdlet Confirm-AzCdnEndpointProbeURL 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Disable-AzCdnCustomDomain 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Disable-AzCdnCustomDomainHttps 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Enable-AzCdnCustomDomain 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Enable-AzCdnCustomDomainHttps 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnCustomDomain 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnEdgeNode 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnEndpoint 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnEndpointResourceUsage 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnOrigin 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnProfile 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnProfileResourceUsage 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnProfileSupportedOptimizationType 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Get-AzCdnSubscriptionResourceUsage 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnCustomDomain 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnDeliveryPolicy 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnDeliveryRule 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleAction 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleCondition 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnEndpoint 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet New-AzCdnProfile 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Remove-AzCdnCustomDomain 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Remove-AzCdnEndpoint 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Remove-AzCdnProfile 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Set-AzCdnProfile 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Start-AzCdnEndpoint 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
Cmdlet Stop-AzCdnEndpoint 2.1.0 Az.Cdn
You can get help with any of these cmdlets using the Get-Help
cmdlet. Get-Help
provides usage and syntax, and optionally shows examples.
PS C:\> Get-Help Get-AzCdnProfile
Gets an Azure CDN profile.
Get-AzCdnProfile [-ProfileName <String>] [-ResourceGroupName <String>] [-InformationAction
<ActionPreference>] [-InformationVariable <String>] [<CommonParameters>]
Gets an Azure CDN profile and all related information.
To see the examples, type: "get-help Get-AzCdnProfile -examples".
For more information, type: "get-help Get-AzCdnProfile -detailed".
For technical information, type: "get-help Get-AzCdnProfile -full".
For online help, type: "get-help Get-AzCdnProfile -online"
The Get-AzCdnProfile
cmdlet without any parameters retrieves all your existing content delivery network profiles.
This output can be piped to cmdlets for enumeration.
# Output the name of all profiles on this subscription.
Get-AzCdnProfile | ForEach-Object { Write-Host $_.Name }
You can also return a single profile by specifying the profile name and resource group.
Get-AzCdnProfile -ProfileName CdnDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG
It is possible to have multiple content delivery network profiles with the same name, so long as they are in different resource groups. Omitting the ResourceGroupName
parameter returns all profiles with a matching name.
can retrieve an individual endpoint or all the endpoints on a profile.
# Get a single endpoint.
Get-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -EndpointName cdndocdemo
# Get all of the endpoints on a given profile.
Get-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG
and New-AzCdnEndpoint
are used to create content delivery network profiles and endpoints. The following SKUs are supported:
- Standard_Verizon
- Premium_Verizon
- Custom_Verizon
- Standard_Microsoft
- Standard_ChinaCdn
# Create a new profile
New-AzCdnProfile -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -Sku Standard_Microsoft -Location "Central US"
# Create a new endpoint
$origin = @{
Name = "Contoso"
HostName = ""
New-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -Location "Central US" -EndpointName cdnposhdoc -Origin $origin
adds a custom domain name to an existing endpoint.
You must set up the CNAME with your DNS provider as described in How to map Custom Domain to Content Delivery Network endpoint. You can test the mapping before modifying your endpoint using Test-AzCdnCustomDomain
# Create the custom domain on the endpoint
New-AzCdnCustomDomain -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -Name contoso -HostName "" -EndpointName cdnposhdoc
modifies an existing endpoint.
# Update endpoint with compression settings
Update-AzCdnEndpoint -Name cdnposhdoc -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -IsCompressionEnabled -ContentTypesToCompress "text/javascript","text/css","application/json"
purges cached assets.
# Purge some assets.
Clear-AzCdnEndpointContent -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -EndpointName cdnposhdoc -ContentFilePath @("/images/kitten.png","/video/rickroll.mp4")
and Stop-AzCdnEndpoint
can be used to start and stop individual endpoints or groups of endpoints.
# Stop the CdnPoshDemo endpoint
Stop-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -Name cdnposhdoc
# Start the CdnPoshDemo endpoint
Start-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -Name cdnposhdoc
The following list of cmdlets can be used to create a Standard Rules engine policy and apply it to an existing content delivery network endpoint.
- New-AzFrontDoorCdnRuleCookiesConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleHttpVersionConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleIsDeviceConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRulePostArgsConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleQueryStringConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRemoteAddressConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestBodyConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestHeaderConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestMethodConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestSchemeConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestUriConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleResponseHeaderActionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleUrlFileExtensionConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleUrlFileNameConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleUrlPathConditionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestHeaderActionObject
- New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestHeaderActionObject
- New-AzCdnUrlRedirectActionObject
- New-AzCdnUrlRewriteActionObject
- New-AzCdnUrlSigningActionObject
# Create a path based Response header modification rule.
$cond1 = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleUrlPathConditionObject -Name UrlPath -ParameterOperator BeginsWith -ParameterMatchValue "/images/"
$action1 = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleResponseHeaderActionObject -Name ModifyResponseHeader -ParameterHeaderAction Overwrite -ParameterHeaderName "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" -ParameterValue "*"
$rule1 = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleObject -Name "PathBasedCacheOverride" -Order 1 -Condition $cond1 -Action $action1
# Create a new http to https redirect rule
$cond1 = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleRequestSchemeConditionObject -Name RequestScheme -ParameterMatchValue HTTPS
$action1 = New-AzCdnUrlRedirectActionObject -Name UrlRedirect -ParameterRedirectType Found -ParameterDestinationProtocol Https
$rule2 = New-AzCdnDeliveryRuleObject -Name "UrlRewriteRule" -Order 2 -Condition $cond1 -Action $action1
# Update existing endpoint with new rules
Update-AzCdnEndpoint -Name cdnposhdoc -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -DeliveryPolicyRule $rule1,$rule2
and Remove-AzCdnEndpoint
can be used to remove profiles and endpoints.
# Remove a single endpoint
Remove-AzCdnEndpoint -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG -EndpointName cdnposhdoc
# Remove a single profile
Remove-AzCdnProfile -ProfileName CdnPoshDemo -ResourceGroupName CdnDemoRG
Learn how to automate Azure Content Delivery Network with .NET or Node.js.
To learn about content delivery network features, see content delivery network Overview.