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Configure remote access to compute nodes in an Azure Batch pool

If configured, you can allow a node user with network connectivity to connect externally to a compute node in a Batch pool. For example, a user can connect by Remote Desktop (RDP) on port 3389 to a compute node in a Windows pool. Similarly, by default, a user can connect by Secure Shell (SSH) on port 22 to a compute node in a Linux pool.


As of API version 2024-07-01 (and all pools created after 30 November 2025 regardless of API version), Batch no longer automatically maps common remote access ports for SSH and RDP. If you wish to allow remote access to your Batch compute nodes with pools created with API version 2024-07-01 or later (and after 30 November 2025), then you must manually configure the pool endpoint configuration to enable such access.

In your environment, you might need to enable, restrict, or disable external access settings or any other ports you wish on the Batch pool. You can modify these settings by using the Batch APIs to set the PoolEndpointConfiguration property.

Batch pool endpoint configuration

The endpoint configuration consists of one or more network address translation (NAT) pools of frontend ports. Don't confuse a NAT pool with the Batch pool of compute nodes. You set up each NAT pool to override the default connection settings on the pool's compute nodes.

Each NAT pool configuration includes one or more network security group (NSG) rules. Each NSG rule allows or denies certain network traffic to the endpoint. You can choose to allow or deny all traffic, traffic identified by a service tag (such as "Internet"), or traffic from specific IP addresses or subnets.


  • The pool endpoint configuration is part of the pool's network configuration. The network configuration can optionally include settings to join the pool to an Azure virtual network. If you set up the pool in a virtual network, you can create NSG rules that use address settings in the virtual network.
  • You can configure multiple NSG rules when you configure a NAT pool. The rules are checked in the order of priority. Once a rule applies, no more rules are tested for matching.

Example: Allow RDP traffic from a specific IP address

The following C# snippet shows how to configure the RDP endpoint on compute nodes in a Windows pool to allow RDP access only from IP address The second NSG rule denies traffic that doesn't match the IP address.

using Microsoft.Azure.Batch;
using Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Common;

namespace AzureBatch
    public void SetPortsPool()
        pool.NetworkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration
            EndpointConfiguration = new PoolEndpointConfiguration(new InboundNatPool[]
                new InboundNatPool("RDP", InboundEndpointProtocol.Tcp, 3389, 7500, 8000, new NetworkSecurityGroupRule[]
                    new NetworkSecurityGroupRule(179, NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess.Allow, ""),
                    new NetworkSecurityGroupRule(180, NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess.Deny, "*")

Example: Allow SSH traffic from a specific subnet

The following Python snippet shows how to configure the SSH endpoint on compute nodes in a Linux pool to allow access only from the subnet The second NSG rule denies traffic that doesn't match the subnet.

from azure.batch import models as batchmodels

class AzureBatch(object):
    def set_ports_pool(self, **kwargs):
        pool.network_configuration = batchmodels.NetworkConfiguration(

Example: Deny all RDP traffic

The following C# snippet shows how to configure the RDP endpoint on compute nodes in a Windows pool to deny all network traffic. The endpoint uses a frontend pool of ports in the range 60000 - 60099.


As of Batch API version 2024-07-01, port 3389 typically associated with RDP is no longer mapped by default. Creating an explicit deny rule is no longer required if access is not needed from the Internet for Batch pools created with this API version or later. You may still need to specify explicit deny rules to restrict access from other sources.

using Microsoft.Azure.Batch;
using Microsoft.Azure.Batch.Common;

namespace AzureBatch
    public void SetPortsPool()
        pool.NetworkConfiguration = new NetworkConfiguration
            EndpointConfiguration = new PoolEndpointConfiguration(new InboundNatPool[]
              new InboundNatPool("RDP", InboundEndpointProtocol.Tcp, 3389, 60000, 60099, new NetworkSecurityGroupRule[]
                    new NetworkSecurityGroupRule(162, NetworkSecurityGroupRuleAccess.Deny, "*"),

Example: Deny all SSH traffic from the internet

The following Python snippet shows how to configure the SSH endpoint on compute nodes in a Linux pool to deny all internet traffic. The endpoint uses a frontend pool of ports in the range 4000 - 4100.


As of Batch API version 2024-07-01, port 22 typically associated with SSH is no longer mapped by default. Creating an explicit deny rule is no longer required if access is not needed from the Internet for Batch pools created with this API version or later. You may still need to specify explicit deny rules to restrict access from other sources.

from azure.batch import models as batchmodels

class AzureBatch(object):
    def set_ports_pool(self, **kwargs):
        pool.network_configuration = batchmodels.NetworkConfiguration(

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