RabbitMQ bindings for Azure Functions overview
Azure Functions integrates with RabbitMQ via triggers and bindings.
The RabbitMQ bindings are only fully supported on Elastic Premium and Dedicated (App Service) plans. Flex Consumption and Consumption plans aren't yet supported.
RabbitMQ bindings aren't supported by the Azure Functions v1.x runtime.
The Azure Functions RabbitMQ extension allows you to send and receive messages using the RabbitMQ API with Functions.
Action | Type |
Run a function when a RabbitMQ message comes through the queue | Trigger |
Send RabbitMQ messages | Output binding |
Before working with the RabbitMQ extension, you must set up your RabbitMQ endpoint. To learn more about RabbitMQ, see the getting started page.
The extension NuGet package you install depends on the C# mode you're using in your function app:
Functions execute in an isolated C# worker process. To learn more, see Guide for running C# Azure Functions in an isolated worker process.
Add the extension to your project by installing this NuGet package.
The RabbitMQ extension is part of an extension bundle, which is specified in your host.json project file. When you create a project that targets version 3.x or later, you should already have this bundle installed. To learn more, see extension bundle.