


** Applies to: **Skype for Business 2015

Error Subcodes


Name Description
AlreadyExists The resource you're trying to create already exists.
AnonymousNotAllowed This operation is not allowed for anonymous users
AnotherOperationPending Another operation is already in progress.
APIVersionNotSupported Requested API version is not supported.
ApplicationNotFound Application Not Found.
AttendeeNotAllowed Attendee is not allowed to perform operation, for demoted scenario.
AutoAccepted The invitation was auto-accepted.
Busy Remote side is busy and cannot fullfill request.
CallbackUriUnreachable CallbackUri supplied by the application could not be reached.
CallTerminated Call is terminated.
Canceled Canceled.
ConnectedElsewhere Call is connected elsewhere.
ConversationNotFound The conversation does not exist.
Declined CallDeclined.
Demoted Participant was demoted.
Denied The lobby participant was denied from the conference.
DerivedConversation Indicates that a new derived conversation is the reason for the event.
DeserializationFailure The request body could not be deserialized.
DestinationNotFound The targeted user doesn't exist.
DialoutNotAllowed Dialout not allowed.
DoNotDisturb Do not disturb.
Ejected The user is removed from conference.
Ended The conference has finished.
EscalationFailed Conference escalation failed.
ExchangeTimeout The Exchange request timed out
Expired The parked audiovideo session was terminated due to timeout.
FederationRequired Federation is required.
Forwarded CallForwardedLocally.
InactiveApplicationExpired Inactive application expired.
InsufficientBandwidth Outgoing call establishment failed due to insufficient bandwidth.
InvalidMediaDescription The media description supplied is not valid.
InviteesOnly Invitees only.
IPv6NotSupported Remote party doesn't support IPv6 IP addresses.
LimitExceeded A server defined limit was exceeded.
LisServiceUnavailable Location Information Service is unavailable
MakeMeAvailableRequired The MakeMeAvailable operation is a prerequisite for this operation.
MediaEncryptionMismatch There was media encryption mismatch between local and remote clients.
MediaEncryptionNotSupported Cannot support media encryption required by client.
MediaEncryptionRequired Media encryption is required to establish media.
MediaFailure Media failure.
MediaFallback Incoming media is being handled by fallback logic.
MediaNegotiationFailure Media negotiation request failed.
MediaNegotiationTimeOut Media negotiation request timed out.
MigrationInProgress There is a migration in progress, contact's buddy list is read-only.
Missed Call was missed.
ModalityNotSupported Modality not supported.
NewContentSharer Call was terminated because another presenter started sharing content.
NoDelegatesConfigured No delegates configured.
NoLocationFound LIS could not find a matched location
NormalizationFailed Phone normalization failed.
NotAcceptable The remote client is unable to accept the call at this time or context.
NotAllowed The remote party is not allowed to process this request due to policy.
NoTeamMembersConfigured No team members configured.
OperationNotSupported The specified operation is not supported right now
ParameterValidationFailure The message content type was invalid.
PGetReplaced The existing P-GET was replaced with a new P-GET from the client application.
PhoneNumberConflict Invitation failed because multiple users are associated with the destination phone number.
ProvisioningDataUnavailable Provisioning data could not be retrieved
PstnCallFailed The attempt to reach mobile user's simulring number failed.
Redirected Indicates that the invitation was redirected to another participant.
Removed The user was removed from the Mcu.
Replaced The modality was replaced.
RepliedWithOtherModality The recipient is responding in another way, such as IM or phone.
SessionSwitched Call's session has changed.
TemporarilyUnavailable Mcu shuts down.
ThreadIdAlreadyExists A conversation already exists with the same thread id.
Timeout Service Timeout.
TooManyApplications There are too many applications.
TooManyContacts There are too many contacts.
TooManyConversations User has exceeded max conversations.
TooManyGroups There are too many groups.
TooManyLobbyParticipants Too many lobby participants.
TooManyOnlineMeetings The user has reached their online meeting limit.
TooManyParticipants Too many participants.
TransferDeclined The call transfer reqeust is declined at transferee side.
Transferred Call Transferred.
TransferTargetDeclined The call initiated from transferee gets declined at transfer target side.
Unavailable No Mcu is available via the MCU factory.
Unreachable The target is not reachable.
UnsupportedMediaType The content-type is not supported.
UserAgentNotAllowed The user agent supplied is not allowed.