

Authentication library

Authentication.js is a JavaScript library that helps authenticate the user.

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

The Authentication module is responsible for responding to a challenge for credentials during auto-discovery. This module provides several functions that a Microsoft Unified Communications Web API 2.0 application can use to authenticate the user on whose behalf the application is running.

Create an Authentication object

The Authentication constructor has two parameters: a Cache object and a Transport object. For more information, see Cache library and Transport library. Before an Authentication object can be created, objects representing the two parameters must be created.

var targetOrigin = https://www.contoso.com,
Cache = new microsoft.rtc.ucwa.samples.Cache(),
Transport = new microsoft.rtc.ucwa.samples.Transport(targetOrigin);

var Authentication = new microsoft.rtc.ucwa.samples.Authentication(Cache, Transport);

The variables declared in the preceding example are used in subsequent examples in this topic.


The destroyApplication function attempts to destroy the currently active UCWA application.

Parameter Description
callback Callback to execute after destroying the application.





function handleStatus(isAuthenticated, data) {
 if (data && data.statusText && data.statusText === "success") {
 // Application is now online...
 } else {
 // Application is now offline or successfully destroyed...


If the user is not currently authenticated, it will attempt to call back indicating authentication status with no data. Otherwise, it will attempt to delete the application resource followed by using the callback to indicate authentication status.

The callback should have the following method signature:

function callback( /* bool */ authenticatedState, /* obj */ responseData )


The isAuthenticated function determines whether application creation and user authentication have succeeded.

Returns: Boolean indicating whether the user is authenticated.




if (Authentication.isAuthenticated()) {
 alert("Application is online");


The setAnonymousJoinUri function sets an internal variable with the conference URI and performs a check to determine whether the conference URI is valid. Using a conference URI a user can join a conference anonymously.

Parameter Description
conferenceUri The URI of the conference to join.

Returns: Boolean indicating whether the conference URI was valid and was stored.




var result = Authentication.setAnonymousJoinUri(conferenceUri);


A conference URI should have the following form: sip:john@contoso.com;gruu;opaque=app:conf:focus:id:G03W98W4

setCredentials(username, password)

The setCredentials function sets the user credentials to be used by authentication.

Parameter Description
username The user name to be used for authentication.
password The password to be used for authentication.


setCredentials(username, password)


Authentication.setCredentials("bob@contoso.com", "A.B.#.123!");

The start function starts the authentication process.

Parameter Description
link The URL of the site where authentication is taking place, which is the AutodiscoverService root location for the user's domain, such as https://lyncweb.contoso.com/Autodiscover/AutodiscoverService.svc/root/oauth/user?originalDomain=contoso.com.
application The request payload for the application to be created.An example application is shown after this table
callback Callback to execute after authentication completes.


start(link, application, callback)


var Application = {
 userAgent: "UCWA Samples",
 endpointId: this.GeneralHelper.generateUUID(),
 culture: "en-US"
Authentication.start(link, Application, handleResult);

After the start function is called, it stores the application and callback and begins handling state logic.