

Application dashboard

The application resource serves as a kind of dashboard that represents a single application of the user.

Applies to: Skype for Business 2015

An application resource represents a single application on one of a user's devices or browsers. Based on the inputs provided during application creation, a unique application resource is created by the Microsoft Unified Communications Web API 2.0 to represent the user in the context of an application.

Resource representation

The following table contains a representation of the application resource.

Property bag

"rel" : "application",
"culture" : "en-us",
"userAgent" : "ContosoApp/1.0"


"self" : { 
 "href" : "/ucwa/v1/applications/105" 
"batch" : {
 "href" : "/ucwa/v1/applications/105/batch"
"events" : {
 "href" : "/ucwa/v1/applications/105/events"
"policies" : {
 "href" : "/ucwa/v1/applications/105/policies"

Embedded resources

"communication" : { ... },
"me" : { ... },
"onlineMeetings" : { ... },
"people" : { ... }

The application resource can be thought of as a dashboard that shows the communication and collaboration capabilities available to a specific application on a specific server. The embedded resources within an application, shown in the following table, provide a view of these capabilities. The application resource also contains links for performing operations in a batch, receiving asynchronous events, and fetching server policies.

Embedded resources Description
me Represents the user. The me resource is updated whenever the application becomes ready for incoming calls and leaves lurker mode.
people A hub for the people with whom the logged-on user can communicate, using Skype for Business. The people resource provides access to resources that enable the logged-on user to find, organize, communicate with, and subscribe to the presence of other people.
onlineMeetings Represents the dashboard for viewing and scheduling online meetings. The onlineMeetings resource exposes the meetings and settings available to the user, including the ability to create a new myOnlineMeeting.
communication Represents the dashboard for communication capabilities. The communication resource exposes the modalities and settings available to the user, including the ability to join an onlineMeeting or create an ad-hoc onlineMeeting.

Creating an application

An application is created by performing a POST on the applications resource. As a result of this operation the application resource is returned. The application can be fetched at any time by doing a GET on the application resource. When the user exits the application, the client must delete the application by sending a DELETE request on the application resource.

Application lifetime

It is possible for a server to delete an application without a client sending a DELETE request on the application resource. This might happen for various reasons, and subsequent requests will fail with the relevant error codes. A client application should be prepared to handle the following errors, which may occur during any operation.

HTTP status code UCWA error subcode Description
404 NotFound ApplicationNotFound This implies that the application does not exist on the server any more.
410 Gone TooManyApplications The total number of all applications created by the user exceeded the limit.
410 Gone InactiveApplicationExpired Either the application did not park a pending get for too long; or the application did not report user activity for too long (this only applies if "MakeMeAvailable" was previously invoked).
410 Gone UserAgentNotAllowed The UserAgent for the application is no longer supported.

If a 404 ApplicationNotFound response is received unexpectedly, the client may possibly recreate the application and resume operations without user intervention. If 410 Gone is received it is best to display an error message to the user including the UCWA 2.0 error subcode, and then wait for the user to explicitly restart the client.