
Digital Leap

What is a Digital Leap?

It is merely my branded method of putting a link in a book.

The top is some sort of illustrated symbol showing a character "leaping" into a computer.

Under that is the words "Digital Leap".

Below that is a Q/R Barcode, which can be scanned by a camera in a phone or tablet. That acts as a link that takes you to a website.

Below that is a shortened URL (like bit.ly). This is so that the reader can merely type in the URL into a desktop or laptop (and not have to scan).

Below that is the title and description of the Digital Leap, such as "Small Basic - Kid Testimonies".

The entire thing is formatted with a box around it.


What's the big idea?

A reader can interact with their book more by taking the Digital Leap into the Internet! It makes the book more social and fun, building more content and a new audience along the way.


What does a Digital Leap link to?

Anything, really. But it's always on topic. It will usually link to social media, such as a blog post that explains the topic in depth more (with some interaction in the comments), a Wiki article that encourages people to help work together to build the content, a Gallery item where people can download something (like a PowerPoint deck or Small Basic extension or large game), or a Forum thread (with a discussion in it).  


Copyright 2013 Ed Price
