
Haushaltung. (also: Hey, Nvidia!)

(Blame Altavista for the translation - I was looking for "housekeeping" rather than "house brought to a standstill").

First up - if you've posted a comment recently, and it's been eaten, moderated or otherwise lost, I abjectly apologize. I've run through a few pages and discovered moderated comments, which I don't seem to be notified about any more. If I was, I missed it, so again, sorry.

For those folk interested in that job (there may be more than one position open, by the way), best way to get into the system is to email gr8hire@microsoft.com with your CV, noting you're interested in a Support Professional role with the Platforms team. Mention my blog for a 10% discount*.

Next up: Nvidia - I have been wanting to give you money for about two months now. That's right, I want to give you money to unlock the DVD decoder that expired, oh, about 30 days ago, after its 30 day trial. However, your store is still due back in one month, as it has been every time I've checked. Please, for me, just shoot whomever is responsible, put the old site back for the time being, and let me give you my money.

While I'm at it, the icon pictured at left - created by the DVD decoder setup - didn't work properly. The path to Explorer.exe was wrong, and the long filename didn't have double-quotes around it.

The decoder seems pretty good, otherwise I'd have given up long ago. Right now, I'm working through all the other vendors' trial versions, desperately trying to buy time for my Media Center until your store relaunches.

Next time, I'd appreciate a countdown timer, to give the project team a sense of urgency. Thanks, that's all for now.


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tristank Wants Some Drivers But Doesn't Want To Have To Browse A Site To Try To Get Them.
  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    Tristan contemplates providing RSS feeds Where There Are None, so you can give up searching websites and just wait to be told about a new driver.
  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2005
    Oooh, don't do it. I used to swear by nvDVD in previous MCE releases but I had massive problems with it in my latest MCE build. I have switched to PowerDVD which works flawlessly.

    I got the sense on the green button forums that nvDVD had fallen out of favor in that community as well.
  • Anonymous
    May 10, 2005
    The comment has been removed