
【Tech・Ed ★ミ】 オープニング&キーノートのビデオが公開されました


Tech・Ed 2007 Yokohama - Post Conference Information

私見ですが、昨年に比べると随分とすっきりした感じの基調講演だったのではないでしょうか。各パートでデモをする担当も一人ですし、それぞれが大舞台でデモをした経験がかなりあるメンバーでしたのでお伝えしたい内容は話しきっていたと思います。実は昨年のTech・Edのデモを担当した田辺には色々な意見を聞いて、基調講演メンバーに一生懸命インプットしました。まあ今年のメンバーには釈迦に説法に近いものがあったんですけど。あと、実は基調講演の内容をまとめる役割を果たしていたのが 実は IT Pro 道場 などでもお馴染みの松井です。日頃 皆さんとセミナー会場などでお話させていただいている細かい事柄がこういう舞台を作りあげる中で実は我々の中で生きていることで生きた意見を社内に伝えているわけで、本当に色々なご意見をいつもいただける皆様には感謝感謝だと思っています。


[TechEd] Opening & Keynote video is on the web now

Now you can watch the keynote session ondemand from the following web site.

Tech・Ed 2007 Yokohama - Post Conference Information

IMHO, I think the keynote was a very straight forward and easy to understand session. The demo people were 1 per 1 theme and everyone who were on stage were experienced speakers on large stages so I believe what they wanted to tell was shown 100% for each part. Actually I asked many opinions from Shigeya who was one of the demo people last year and felt things can get better. I brought those advises to the meetings and gave feedback and opinions. Well this year's speakers were all experienced so it was like giving advice to elder people but anyway I did it.  And one thing to add, the key person who was doing the negotiation with Redmond who will come for the Keynote was Matsui-san, many of you know him through IT Pro Dojo. The everyday talk we have at seminars, any detail, anything technical issues live in us to bring better input to Microsoft inside when we build a large event like this. I'd like to say thank you to everybody who always give us great feedback.

So, enjoy the video :-)