
【ITPro道場】早速 Weekend も頑張ります



アプリケーションプラットフォーム編(Webアプリケーション)は全国行脚が1/24の仙台で終了。その後の1/27にまず新宿で開催します。そして こちらはまだ変更の可能性もありますが、2/23に大阪でも実施予定です。1/27 新宿分の登録は数日すると公開される予定です。


= English =

[IT Pro Dojo] We're gonna do several weekend ones

This year, we wanna bring the Weekend Dojos to the next step, starting from doing one in Osaka too. So we're in preparation and planning stage right now. Preparation includes setting up the registration system and preparing sentences for the scheduled newsletters so there will be a short time difference after we actually decide when to deliver.

As such, I'd like to write here what we're planning right now, only for the ones that I'm directly involved.

Application Platform(Web Application) version tour will end at Sendai on Jan 24. We'll deliver a weekend one on Jan 27. And there still maybe changes for this one but we're planning to do one on Feb 23 at Osaka too. I believe the Shinjuku one's registration site will open in a couple of days or so.

So these are the ones that will be delivered myself but there might be more - Microsoft Deployment version from Kazunori & Shigeya, something new from Osamu & Junichi whose tour has already finished. Stay tuned!


  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    皆さん、あけましておめでとうございます。本年もどうぞよろしくお願いいたします。 「って今日、何日だと思ってんだ!」 っていう声が聞こえるような。。。 でも、言い訳をすると、私の新年のご挨拶は、IT Pro

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    おお、待ってました! 予定あけておきますです!

  • Anonymous
    January 01, 2003
    1/27 分の参加登録は開始しています。道場のページへ。 http://www.microsoft.com/japan/technet/community/events/dojo/default.mspx