
【IPD】 先日書いたIPD。どんどん広がる模様。

Infrastructure Planning and Design を正式にこのブログのキーワードに昇格させました。本格的に役立つ情報に育ってくれることを願っています。

前のポストでも書きました通り、Windows展開サービス(WDS)・ターミナルサービス(TS)・Active Directory(AD)について間もなくこのドキュメントシリーズが出来上がってくる予定になっています。そしてその後に Webサーバー(IIS)、System Center Operations Manager(SCOM)、System Center Virtual Machine Manager(SCVMM)、ファイルと印刷サービス(File and Print)が控えている模様です。


= English =

[IPD] About IPD I wrote recently. Spreading to variety of services eventually.

I promoted the "Infrastructure Planning and Design" as a keyword I will watch in this blog. I hope it grows to a level where we can really utilize it in the field. As I wrote in a previous post, WDS, TS, AD related IPDs will arrive shortly. Afterwards, there seems to be a plan for IIS, SCOM, SCVMM, File & Print going on.

It is great that documents like these will be produced and the field will really benefit from them. Well let's see what the localization story for this is and I'll watch how it will be distributed like always. This should be localized to Japanese too somehow, obviously.