
Startup of the Day - Kalistick


The BizSpark company of the day is Kalistick, based in France. They sell the first SaaS platform to manage and improve the technical quality of software development. You will find below an interview with Marc Rambert, CEO and co-founder of Kalistick. All the best to them and congrats for being the startup of the day!

Kalistick Logo

Website: www.kalistick.com.

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Interview with o Marc Rambert, CEO and co-founder of Kalistick

Who are you?

Marc Rambert, CEO and co-founder of Kalistick.

How do you feel being the most promising ‘company of the day’ per Microsoft?

I am very proud of what our team has accomplished during the last two years and being ‘company of the day’ per Microsoft is a great reward. Back in January 2008 we were selected to join the first Microsoft startup program (IDEES) and got from that time a strong traction from Microsoft and its Inner Circle partners (Team System ecosystem) to integrate our platform with this environment. 

What did you do before creating your company?

Before creating Kalistick, I managed an IT consulting firm dedicated to projects using Web technologies. Today, that’s the standard but back in 1997 when we created the first web application for real-time stock management it was really innovative. Kalistick is born in my mind during these years but it’s when I met researchers from well-known IT labs with a powerful technology that I knew we could address this market and get significant market shares. 

What do you sell? What is your company’s mission? 

We sell the Quality Cockpit ! It’s the first SaaS platform to manage and improve the technical quality of software development. We extract data from statistical analysis of source code or binary code (C# & Java) as well as other development tools like TeamSystem. We correlate these data to find defects in dimension like performance, security and quality and we produce web dashboards to give a clear understanding of the situation to all project stakeholders in order to setup and execute improvement plans. The results? In few weeks, defects rate are divided by 8 and new developments quality is 5 time higher. 

Any clients? References? Partners?

We already have significant business references with customers like Schneider Electric (world leader in energy management), Bayer CropScience (world leader in crop protection, Germany), Société Générale (leading bank), SNCF (French railways company), etc.

Funding history? VCs? BA?

We are currently in discussion with VC for a serie-A in order to accelerate our development.

Where do you see opportunities today in the Software/internet areas?

Being on a Software+Service model we see internet as an incredible way to bring even more values to our customers :

* The setup is done in minutes without any of the usual installation/upgrade headaches,

* It matches perfectly their distributed team organization all over the world with employees or offshore IT suppliers.

* Using our platform and our benchmarks enable our customer to assess their performance in the industry and to prioritize their actions. 

What about the BizSpark Program? What do you think? Are you going to join? Why?

BizSpark has been a great business accelerator by giving us access to technologies and knowledge that we needed to industrialize our platform. It’s also part of the credibility we needed to bootstrap the business.

Published: 11/12/2009 9:26 AM

Company: Kalistick