If a tree falls in the forrest...
It would be nice to know how many people (if any)
actually read this. Kind of gives one an incentive to write. For instance, I
know people read my newsgroup posts (because they reply to them) so I'm quite
motivated to write new posts...
- Anonymous
September 24, 2003
You're on my list, man. - Anonymous
September 24, 2003
I read your blog and your newsgroup posts ;-) Learn a lot from them. Even when it's on something that I already know, i still always get something from it -- another angle to things, view points, etc, so it's great. I particularly like the recent Paranoia blog entry since security is a hobby of sorts. It was very interesting. So, do please keep blogging whevener time allows. - Anonymous
September 24, 2003
Yeap I read, keep it up :) - Anonymous
September 24, 2003
Yup - Anonymous
September 24, 2003
I've found your blog few days ago and found it quite interesting, so I've added it's RSS feed to my aggregator and will keep reading it (as long as you'll keep writing, of course).Thank you for the articles. - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
I subscribe to man of the GotDotNet blogs. - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
+1 - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
subscribed ;-) keep the posts coming! - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
+1 - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
Dude, isn't that what the "referrers" log is for? - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
Who are you? I don't read your blog, oh no...Oh yeah, set a background colour and I might actually be able to read it... - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
You had me at JScript.NET :)... - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
12 and counting is good news :). Thanks! I always knew Siew Moi read it because she never sleeps and manages to read everything published on the internet ;-) - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
Judging from what I've read today I'd better start. - Anonymous
September 25, 2003
I'm reading your blogs. Please keep writing. - Anonymous
September 26, 2003
Another new reader. Just got referenced to you - Anonymous
September 26, 2003
++ - Anonymous
September 26, 2003
I also read your blogs. Keep up the great posts! - Anonymous
September 26, 2003
I read it. - Anonymous
September 27, 2003
M33 T00!Or words to that effect... - Anonymous
September 28, 2003
I'm reading your blog too :-) - Anonymous
October 03, 2003
guilty =) - Anonymous
July 29, 2004
Only have discovered your blog recently, but I'm turning into an avid reader!