

Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM Nearing Retirement

Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM is a SKU based on Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2, and has utilized XP SP2 updates for servicing. Support for Windows XP Professional Service Pack 2 retired after the July, 2010 updates, however Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM support does not retire until after the October, 2010 updates.

Windows Embedded for Point of Service includes an option to service the embedded operating system using Automatic Updates via Windows Update. With the retirement of Windows XP Professional Service Pack, XP SP2 updates are no longer being published on Windows Update. Microsoft will publish Security Updates for Windows Embedded on Windows Update to continue servicing Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM until it retires.

After the October 12, 2010 retirement date, Windows Embedded for Point of Service operating systems must have the Service Pack 3 for Windows Embedded for Point of Service update installed to continue receiving updates from Windows Update.


  • The Windows Embedded team has worked with the Windows Servicing team to continue providing support for Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM on Windows Update through the Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM retirement date of October 12, 2010.
  • These updates will be titled “Security Update for Windows Embedded”.
  • After October, 2012, Windows Embedded for Point of Service operating systems must be updated with the Service Pack 3 for Windows Embedded for Point of update to receive continued servicing. For more information on installing this update please read the Knowledge Base article: https://support.microsoft.com/kb/958255.
  • Security and other Redistributable GDR updates for Windows Embedded for Point of Service RTM will also be made available through standard Microsoft OEM release channels: Microsoft OEM Online and the Mobile & Embedded Communications Extranet through the October retirement date.
  • This information is applicable to Microsoft Windows Embedded for Point of Service only.

- Gina

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