
TechEd 2006 - Party w Palermo

Saturday night (June 10) Jeffrey Palermo held his 2nd annual “Party with Palermo” party.  Jeff is a good buddy of mine, an Agile Aficionado, and a fellow Texas A&M Aggie, whoop!  It’s always a great place to meet new people.

A funny story, I flew out of Seattle at 1:00am Saturday with a connecting flight in Houston.  Who shows up on the same flight but Jeff!  During the 4hr flight he showed me a whole slew of Agile tools such as object injection with StructureMap, refactoring with ReSharper, domain objects via NHibernate, and testing (TDD, unit, & integration) with NUnit.  Very cool stuff!  Makes me want to code away.  We discussed some differences between “framework” development and “application” development.  Essentially framework development thinking is that you lock down scope as much as possible and only make public members that define the external user interface.  This can make unit testing difficult (with NUnit) since many members turn out to be private.  With agile “application” development, all class members are declared public since only the (hopefully senior) developers within your team are accessing the code and it makes for easier testing.  How about this solution, the .NET framework team creates another level of scope, let’s call it “testable”, that allows tests easy access to otherwise “private” members without reflection…  actually, the C#/framework team is thinking of these things.

Photos from “TechEd 2006 – Party w Palermo”

Big Man Jeffrey Palermo w/ Big Man Carl Franklin  & Nickolas Landry in da Back
Palermoexit Palermo DSC07663 (Small)


  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006
    With C# 2.0, you DO NOT need to do that... rather you just have some testing code in another .CS file and declare this as a partial class with the same name as your test target.  If compiled at the same time (e.g. part of the same assembly as the test target), the testing methods in the new .CS file has complete  access to the private members of the target class.  If you want to segment out the testing code, you can do that with a ConditionalAttribute.
  • Anonymous
    June 16, 2006
    I'm learning the agile space and I understand some camps are proponents of in-assembly unit tests, in which this would seam to work okay, but most of my collegues, myself, and the new MS testing framework, put tests in seperate asseblies and projects.  It'd be nice to have such an easy way with seperate assemblies as it is with the tests-in-assembly approach.
  • Anonymous
    February 22, 2007
    My good 'ol friend Jeffrey Palermo is hosting a bigger & better party this year... the Party w Palermo: